Dan W
I have a surgery coming up in 2 weeks. I snapped off a small piece of bone in my foot that is floating around in my ankle joint and I have to get it cut out. The surgery is on a Friday. I was told I have to be at the hospital on Monday morning so they can put me on Heparin and I will probobally go home on the following Monday or Tuesday. What should I expect while being on the Heparin? Also, what should I expect post surgery? This is my first surgery of anykind since my AVR two years ago. Does the Heparin make you feel any different while beint put under or post surgery? What experiences have any of you had while going through this process? The surgery doesn't bother me at all and it should not even take 30 minutes but I am not to happy about the extended hospitlal stay or not knowing what to expect with the Heparin. I am kind of scared about what I have read about the body having an allergic reaction to Heparin. I am on Warfarin now with an inr of 2.5-3.5. Thanks