surgeon visit...second opinion

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Premium Level User
May 18, 2004
Hello everyone. What a gorgeous day in the NW. East wind, clears out all the dust. I think I saw Mt. Rainier peeking around Mt. St. Helen's today. WOW.

Had my second visit with a surgeon today. This is the gent who did the triple by-pass on my father 10 years ago. My cousin works with him. I really do like him. Because my cousin is a likeable and wild kind of guy, it made the meeting very relaxed and there were no hesitations about answering questions, etc. BUT I really like the other surgeon, too. Darn!! This will be tough. Glad I have some time to think about it.

He did say some interesting things, so I'll just throw them your way in no particular order......

Once symptoms become present with worsening aortic stenosis, the patient usually has about 5 years maximum before congestive heart failure occurs and then death. Slow, but sure.

One reason for the angiogram is that the surgeon needs to know whether there is any CAD (coronary artery disease). Obviously, if there is enough to warrant bypass surgery, they'll probably opt to do it while they're in there. If they do the bypass, because it is surgery confined to the outer area of the heart.....they will staunchly defend using a mechanical valve with younger patients, not tissue. No surgeon wants to go in later to replace a worn out tissue valve and have to dodge all that intricate bypass stuff on the outside of the heart. The valves are inside. Bypass is on the surface. (I'm sure some of you are like, well, DUH!, but I did not know this).

Therefore, if there is any controversy in your mind, when choosing tissue or mechanical, you might want to schedule the angiogram enough ahead of time so that you can be comfortable with the answers it gives you. In other words, if my angio comes back showing disease, I will not be getting a tissue valve, whether they need to do a bypass now or not. He thought that getting the angiogram several weeks ahead is a good idea, just so you don't have to do everything all at once.

He was very supportive of my leaning toward tissue. He does over 100 heart surgeries a year, his hospital 500, their sister hospital 800. He thinks that with the new valves, there is longevity enough to hopefully meet the development of less invasive replacements and therefore not have to go through the major surgery twice.....maybe.

Second surgeries carry 3 times the risks of the first. 3 times! Because of having to "carve" through all that scar tissue. Takes alot longer, too.

Okay, that's my report. Now how the hell am I gonna decide?? I think I'm good with which valve......but who gets to put it in??

I'll keep ya posted! :D Marguerite
Thats great news Marguerite.....

Shame you cant book 2 surgeons to share the duty. They both sound extremely experienced, we dont have that many in Aus. to chose from ...
or that many ops like ours for them to practise on.

I also have a choice of the 3 best surgeons in Perth...but to stop confusing myself I am going to go with whoever my Cardio would have operate on him if he were facing the same OP...

Thanks for the info on the bypass and stuff...saves me a question or 4...I will be having the dreaded angio a coupla weeks before my surgery too.

Are you still thinking of an "easter" op?
and be home in time to greet the Easter-Bunny?

Good luck with your decision-making...

You don't do ANYTHING easy!!!!!:rolleyes: You weren't satisfied with ONE surgeon, you now have TWO!!!!!:D Ton's suggestion that you make them share duties sounds like a plan to me.:p

Three times the risk, huh!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: :eek: Well, seeing as how little a chance they gave me of coming thru the first one I guess I should just show up DEAD if I ever (bite your tongue) need a second one!!!!!!:eek: :p :D

No valve recommendations here. You are on your own with that decision.

May God Bless,

Well...Hey....It's always good to have a backup Surgeon....LOL

Well...Hey....It's always good to have a backup Surgeon....LOL

Hey there Margurite, I am glad you are happy with both of your can never have too many of those...LOL but seriously, I hope all goes well with your surgery and you come out feeling sooooooo much better...Harrybaby:D :D :D :D
Thanks, you guys! Well, hubbie and I spent the weekend tossing coins ;) and decided to sign up with the first surgeon. He is my cardio's choice, connected to our insured hospital (both are literally connected to the hospital by a walkway). He has "better" paper credentials, seems more experienced and is an incredibly serious and patient guy. I'll call him this week and get things rolling......

As to valves, I have decided to go tissue. I will find out which valve he prefers and probably just use the one he is most familiar with (which I recall his having mentioned the Carpentier-Edwards Perimount Magna Bovine). Of course, that could change to mechanical if my angiogram unearths artery disease. My latest blood work revealed a rise in cholesterol (thank you holiday splurge!!) but my internist said it was not enough to suggest that there is any disease present. I am counting on her being right!!

I will let ya'll know when I have an actual date. we go!!

:D Marguerite
I'm so glad you've chosen your surgeon! That's one decision down, and one to go!
Don't forget that once you set a date, the wait will seem interminable. I waited a month, and I wish I had done it two weeks sooner.:eek:

Keep us in the loop about what's going on.:) :)

youre right...

you lead the way and I will hopefully follow...

hang on tight girl for one great big rollercoaster ride up and over the mountain...

we are all here cheering you on!:D

keep us posted...

I like your reasoning for chosing the first surgeon ;)
Uh..........a coin toss, maybe?

Uh..........a coin toss, maybe?

Shoot, dunno. NOt much good on these adult-type decisions. Just wanted to wish you peace of opposed to my piece of mind here. Sending you prayers your way for a decision you can LIVE with. Much love. J.
Hi Marguerite, that all sounds really good. Valve surgery really is an "open heart surgery" since the heart has to be opened up whereas bypass surgery is on the surface of the heart. Neither one is much fun though. I hope your angio comes back fine and you get a very long lasting tissue valve.

I hope you are feeling at peace with all of this. I think you have done all the preliminary work about perfectly!
Hi Maguerite,
I'm glad that you were able to reach a decision that you are at peace with. You've done all your homework and we wish you luck on the angiogram and look forward to a successful outcome for you.
Portland Is Beautiful In April....

Portland Is Beautiful In April....


Glad to see you making plans to proceed in April....I only had two weeks to worry and fuss...Your cutter sounds like the right choice to me.....Wishing my fellow Oregonian all the best :D
Thanks everyone. I can't even begin to tell you how much this website has helped me get to this point. What's even better is that now that I'm at this point I'm content to wait and I know that it's all going to be okay. I don't seem to have any fear of it (yet :eek: ). I do have moments of saddness which are puzzling to me, but I'm just going to chalk that up as pre-event emotions and not worry about it!

Yes, James. I think this will turn out to be an astoundingly beautiful April for me!! (of course it has to warm up abit!! brrr.......)

I'll start a new post when I have a date. Thanks again, everyone! :D

Marguerite53 said:
I'm at this point I'm content to wait and I know that it's all going to be okay. I don't seem to have any fear of it (yet :eek: ). I do have moments of saddness which are puzzling to me, but I'm just going to chalk that up as pre-event emotions and not worry about it!


Oh YAY!...we are NORMAL...I feel exactly the same as you do Marguerite!
The sadness - I think you mourn for your previous life. I've had this both times I've had catastrophic illness - cancer in '90 and ohs in '03. It's similar to how I felt after 9/11 - wanted to go back to how it was before the diagnoses, & on 9/10.

I think it's part of redefining yourself. It'll pass eventually.

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