Surgeon says...

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2011
After having surgery to repair my mitral valve on Feb 28, my surgeon told me today at my follow-up appointment that I'm fixed. I no longer have ANY restrictions. To my three year old daughter this means it is OK to give Mommy "flying hugs" where she runs at me with her arms stretched out like an airplane! To me, it means I can hold my little girl again. No more Iron, no more warfarin, and, sadly, no more chauffeur. I still have to take metoprolol for another 5 months, and I should start cardiac rehab next week. I won't go back to work until 4/30...mostly per my request...I prefer to gain a little more confidence and control over my anxiety through cardiac rehab and new found relaxation techniques before heading back into a world of pure STRESS. The surgeon said I should follow up with my cardio in about 6 months or so, but probably don't really need to see him after that unless my GP detects an issue.

He said, "Go have a nice, long life and die of something else" and "pretty soon will think about my valve about as often as I think of my left ear."
WOOHOO!!!! Congrats!

That must be the first step in feeling more confident about everything. I'm sure cardiac rehab will help too!

Keep us posted, and I'm glad that you can receive "flying hugs" with doctor's OK! Give her some extras to make up for the past month!
Yes do enjoy your life and please continue to contribute here as a GREAT example of a good outcome story are and should remain an inspiration for those yet to walk the road on both sides of the mountain .......flying hugs

Wonderful news, I apologize for asking, I don't know much on the topic, but do they not open the sternum for mitral valve?
Wonderful news, I apologize for asking, I don't know much on the topic, but do they not open the sternum for mitral valve?

In my case, yes, they did open my sternum. They can also take a "between the ribs" approach, and some are done using robots.
I like your surgeon's attitude! We should keep the quote as a motivator for others. . . "Go have a wonderful life and die of something else."

You have your life back, may you enjoy it for a very long time.
Love that quote your surgeon used. Like everyone else mentioned I agree, we should all adopted it on here. Also, as you said "...left ear" I had to scratch mine ;)
Oh, that sounds wonderful. Plus, you have nearly a month of those flying hugs to get you ready to go back to work. Glad to hear everything is going so smoothly!