Support the Heart Association!!

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Jul 22, 2010
Harrisonburg, VA
At 21 I suddenly found myself in heart failure after going undiagnosed from birth with a severe congenital heart defect. My world stood still. I thought it was the end. I am here because of brilliant doctors, multiple surgeries and faith. It is because of organizations like the American Heart Association and fundraisers like the Charlottesville Heart Walk on October 16th, 2011 that the research and advances in modern medicine kept me alive. Please show your support in participating as a walker or just by simply donating to the event. You can donate online using this link or you can contact me for donation forms.
Hi, Tara,

Good luck with the Heart Walk! I'm sorry that I am unable to donate funds at this time, but I will be cheering you on! Have you considered joining your local AHA as a volunteer? I volunteer with the LA/Orange County AHA here in CA. I've been on the Orange County Heart Walk and Go Red for Women planning and logistics committees for three years now, and it feels so great to be involved on a personal level and give back to such a great organization that has supported research to save our lives!

I'm walking the LA Heart Walk Oct. 15 as a participant. The Heart Walks are so inspiring and fun!

Debi (debster913)
I'm so glad to see that you're supporting the AHA. My family got involved when my father died from a previously undiagnosed heart condition at the age of 53. That was 40 years ago, but the organization is still doing great work.