Did you click /JOIN 2? With a space between JOIN and the 2?...It has to be this .../JOIN 2.....Great chat tonight..many on and we welcome Hayden..a new comer.. Come and join us again next Sunday...All are welcome. Just a very fun chat..Bonnie
I think that would be like 11 P.M. your time.I know that is late for you..Jan, Scottie and Billy usually comes on and stays an hour.... If I made it earlier, our members in Central time would be like 4 P.M and most people there are still outside..doing their thing.. ..Maybe you can plan on next Sunday .kinda late? Bonnie
What.s going on?I think James and Janie and Jan had a hard time getting on. thanks to Tom ..He found them after a few hours and brought them in... Bonnie