Sunday Night chat

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
I know tomorrow is Easter..but, would love to see a lot of members on tomorrow night..if you are home..Starts at 5 P.M. Eastern time....runs until ??? :p depending on how chatty we are :D Newbies, don't be shy..Jim or Dave will find you if you get lost.. Just click on Chat..type your name in at top..enter....sometimes you may need to type this..../JOIN 2..enter. Be sure and put a space between the JOIN and the 2... :p Hope to see lots of you there tomorrow night. VERY informal..NO serious talk. :p :p Just down home fun :D Bonnie
I hope you had a nice chat last night -- I never turned the computer on all day Sunday. Our daughter and neice have been home, heading back to school today. I won't be on chat next Sunday either, but I hope the following Sunday.