Sudoku Anyone?

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Oh, yes and they are driving me crazy. I do crossword puzzles every day and especially like Sunday's NY Times and Friday's WSJ, but these have me stymied. I just can't believe I can't get the logic down and get so frustrated when I get to the very end and there are one or two numbers off!:eek:
Here's a good site and it gives some hints for solving, but I find the instructions can be as frustrating as the puzzles!
hi nancy and phyllis,
my daughter (18) became addicted to sudoku when i bought a small book of the puzzles to take with us on a trip. they are great while waiting patiently for your food to arrive. also, plane rides!
they are the kind of thing i know i would love, but i know once i start i won't be able to stop.....
have fun with them!
be well,
Yes Nancy,
I bought Sudoku for Dummies so it would give me some tips on how to solve them. Our newspaper just started carrying them, and I am very happy to see the puzzles.
One funny thing; I've found that my boys dismiss them, but if I leave one out, they'll put a few numbers in!;) ;)
Mary said:
Yes Nancy,
I bought Sudoku for Dummies so it would give me some tips on how to solve them. Our newspaper just started carrying them, and I am very happy to see the puzzles.
One funny thing; I've found that my boys dismiss them, but if I leave one out, they'll put a few numbers in!;) ;)
That's the book for me, next trip to the bookstore!
Sudoku is another thing I have gotten addicted to. I have some printed out at work and when I get a chance I work on them. I try not to do them at home. I have enough addictions like crocheting,cross stitching and reading to keep me away from housework.
I too enjoy sudokus. I am very mathmatically challenged so they intimidated me at first but they have nothing to do with math but numbers. The more you do them the more easily the answers come. I am slow compared to Andrew the boy genious.

We have an electronic one at home and that is kind of neat as well. They are rather addicting though.:rolleyes: Ahh
Yesterday was the first day for Sudoku in our paper. I saved the puzzle to work on after dinner, but either I underestimated my ability (not likely) or they published a very simple one (likely!);) ;) I knocked that sucker out in 20 minutes!
I imagine the paper is using easy puzzles until readers become accustomed to solving them . . .works for me!:p :p :p
Never tried them - not sure I want to but who knows? If I could make it to the end of the "Egg Puzzle", I might be good at Sudoku.
Another site

Another site

I print these things off at work to try to strengthen my defective mind. I have to stay with the simple ones. I get rather frustrated when they best me.

There are six or so of us at work who do these puzzles, and a few do the crossword puzzles. I have very limited patience with crosswords, so the simpler sudoku puzzles are great for me.

I had never heard of these - I am now addicted.
Thanks everyone for all the websites. I have worked on some of the "easy" ones and I am finally having success. Success helps the frustration, but unfortunately breeds more addiction!:eek:
Just keep working on them, they do get easier to do. At first I wrote tiny cheat numbers in all the squares of what the possibilities were. I then realized that they were very confusing, and had to be erased each time you added another number in the squares. I can do most "in my head" now, but I still messed up yesterday's. I'm on the final square and it isn't working:mad:

That's what erasers were invented for.
I try to do the "easy" ones in my head.
I'll "pencil in" two (sometimes three) "cheat" numbers if the memory method is struggling. Any more than that gets confusing for me.
I'm addicted too!

I'm addicted too!

Mary said:
Yesterday was the first day for Sudoku in our paper. I saved the puzzle to work on after dinner, but either I underestimated my ability (not likely) or they published a very simple one (likely!);) ;) I knocked that sucker out in 20 minutes!
I imagine the paper is using easy puzzles until readers become accustomed to solving them . . .works for me!:p :p :p

Mary, if your paper is like ours, the Sudoku puzzles work like the NY Times crosswords. They are easiest on Mondays...pretty much just a matter of filling in the numbers and they generally take me about 10 or 15 minutes. They get harder as the week progresses. I usually like the Tues and Wed puzzles...hard enough to be challenging, but not so hard that I can't finish them. I can sometimes do the hardest ones, but they take a lot longer.

I think they really do keep your mind sharp!
weekycat said:
Mary, if your paper is like ours, the Sudoku puzzles work like the NY Times crosswords. They are easiest on Mondays...pretty much just a matter of filling in the numbers and they generally take me about 10 or 15 minutes. They get harder as the week progresses. I usually like the Tues and Wed puzzles...hard enough to be challenging, but not so hard that I can't finish them. I can sometimes do the hardest ones, but they take a lot longer.

I think they really do keep your mind sharp!

I'm just starting todays, and I think you're right. Yesterday's puzzle was harder than Monday's, and this one looks even more difficult.
I read where a White Sox pitcher did Sudoku puzzles between innings of the World Series. He said it made him completely forget about the stress of the game while he was working them. ;) ;)
Phyllis said:
If you want to get your children or grandchildren involved, here's a website for kids with simple puzzles that you can print:

I understand my 6 year old granddaughter has a book of them and loves to solve them- especially on long plane rides.

Thanks for the link Phyllis. I believe they are very good for developing problem solving skills in children and adults!:)