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kpearse Supporter
Supporting Member
Jan 13, 2009
Colonia,NJ USA
I have been under alot of stress lately. Problem with my oldest Daughter. For the last week I've been sad, very tired, and getting dizzy. Sometimes I wish I could just stay in bed! I can't get a good nights sleep, which makes everything worst.
I feel overwelmed. My Mom, and two Sisters have cancer. Now this thing with my daughter. I am going to my heart Doc on Friday for my check up. I'll tell him everything thats going on. I never thought how much stress could do to your body.
I guess this isn't the place to say these things, but I had to do something. I'm not looking for anything, just feel better "letting it out".

Thanks for letting me vent!
So sorry to hear what you are going through. Sometimes life isn't easy. There are good and bad times in life. You will get through
this. Just hang in there.
I wish there were ways to make things better. I've been stressed out for so long that I no longer know any other way of life. it's by no means, fun. All you can do is take it a day at a time. Sometimes, the next day is better, sometimes it's not.
Yes, added stress is certainly not what you need right now, but sometimes we can not put life on hold. Just try to deal with it best you can, one day at a time. Somehow you will find the courage and fortitude to cope.

Take care
There is no sin in asking for help. Chemical, or just emotional help through talking.
I took anti depressants after my father's death. I didn't do that after my sister's death, but probably should have. I probably should have had some after MVR, especially because it came hot on the heels of my sister's death.
This go-round, I've got Xanax for the bad spells. I've only taken a few, but it helps. Right now, I just can't deal with stress at work AND my upcoming AVR. I turn into a watering pot some days.
Stress is a killer literally and figuratively. I'd bet anything that stress was a big part of me going into atrial flutter because i was at a boiling point. Two 3 day hospital stays and 120,000 dollars later (only 60k if I pay cash "promptly") the atrial flutter is gone, I'm broke, I've applied for SS disability (which I'm sure I'll get denied for the first time) and medicaid, had to cash in 2 Roth IRA's and one Traditional IRA to meet their standard of poor (2k or less is total assets), I'm not allowed to work (per cardiologist for much bigger heart issues), I'm living at home, I have no money, etc. I'd say I'm slightly stressed.

But back to your stress. Talk to your doctor and take something for it, even if it's just temporary. Stress is bad for your heart and bad for your body in general. Sometimes you just have to put yourself first when it comes to your own health and well being. You can't work things out with your daughter if you're not around to do it correct?
I am sorry to hear about your problems. Stress is diffiuclt. I think that is what caused my probelms to get worse so quickly. A divorce after 29 years, my 88 year old Mom being kicked out of 3 nursing homes, and a few other things thrown in was tough to deal with. I ended up getting some xanex for those bad days. Adding my upcoming AVR doesn't help either. It seems to be an up and down roller coaster ride. But my situation sounds just like everyone elses. How can you not be stressed facing OHS? Writing helps. Talk to your friends and family if possible. The people here are great too!

Agility Dog - our surgeries are almost here! Hang in there.

Bryan B - sorry to hear about your financial problems. I hope you are able to get things settled and get some peace of mind soon. We were lucky when my ex had his bypass that cost $104,000 His comnpany had just gone under and we had lost our insurance without knowing it. We were in such a bad financial condition that Riverside Hopsital in Columbus OH wrote it all off to charity for us. That was a gift from God. We did not lose our house or anything. I am grateful to individuals and companies that donate to the non-profit hospitals.

I guess we all have to have faith that somehow, someway things are going to work out. God Bless! Pat
I saw my PCP and he gave me 30 Xanax 0.2mg what ever that is. I took it and it seemed to calm me down. I did get a good nights sleep, I think that helped me the most. That and talking with a friend. Funny how when you hear what someone else is going through your problems seem so small.
I am glad you posted all the sources of stress you were suddenly feeling. I am also glad you went to the doctor about it! Lots of us find stress compounds to new stress. I like to turn this stuff over to my "Higher Power" because I know I cannot carry it all by myself. Also, lots of OHS survivors have gone on anti-depressants and other mood altering meds. Try the current one and see if it helps. You can change to other meds if this one is not quite what you need.

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