Stress Test and I am confused, help!

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Hi to all. I had a stress test done Monday and was told I am having angina attacks. Now here is the rub and where I am confused:confused: . I have read that angina is caused by lack of or not enough blood getting to the heart. So does this mean my aortic valve has a problem again or can mild mitral and mild tricuspid valve regurg cause angina? I am looking for a new cardio as mine can't remember one visit to the next and doesn't bother to refresh himself concerning my previous tests or symptoms:( . Can someone help me please?
Can't offer any advice about angina but did want to send some good thoughts your way while you deal with this unsettling news. Also want to encourage you to definitely "fire" your current cardio and find someone who offers you more confidence and compassion. There's nothing worse than feeling like your doctor doesn't know you or cares about you. you deserve better!

Take Care!
yeah...I'm with Susie...

sending positive vibes your way...

sorry i dont know much about Angina except that its what they thought mine was too now they say muscle-spasms?!...and whatever it was has almost dissappeared since I swapped to different blood pressure pills and added a beta-blocker.

Fire that uncaring forgetful Cardio...

If mine didnt remember the important stuff about me I would not be feeling to confident either about his dedication or how much he values his patients who put their lives in his hands....

Its not an easy thing to do, but if you arent feeling "cared for" by this Cardio ...I wouldnt worry too much...You will notice a wonderful difference when you get a "good" one :D

I did it too...swapped Cardios :eek: ...I was feeling badly about it at first but now I am not worried .
I would go to Google or Ask Jeeves - then type in 'what is angina' or just 'angina'. Many sites should pop up for you to explore. Surely one of them will go into great depth to explain it to you. Also, VR members are on their way with answers.

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