stress and INR

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Active member
Mar 21, 2008
Salt Lake City, Utah
I was reading a thread and someone mentioned that stress can throw off the levels. Is this true? I had mine checked last week and it was 4.7, and my diet and activities have not changed, but my stress level has.
Some say stress can affect INR. I've never been able to tie INR fluctuations to my stress levels. When I worked, my stress level could get pretty high but I don't recall unusual effects on my INR. Now I'm retired (virtually stressless) and I do have some fluctuation in INR....go figure! Unless there is an obvious reason I just adjust the dose without getting into subjective reasoning. If I had a 4.7 I'd drop a dose (maybe 1 1/2 doses) and recheck in a week.
Not in my humble opinion.

INR is a best to itself, some have rock solid levels, some fluctuate wildly regardless of how controlled their eating/exercise etc is.

I have a pretty stressy life and my inr is usually 2.6-2.9 if i take the time to monitor it regularly.
My uneducated explanation is that stress **could** affect your INR -- based on how stress affects you. If you have acute stress, you are apt to change your eating habits (not eat or on the other hand, binge) and that could certainly affect your INR.

If you're belaboring under stress for extended periods, best learn how to deal with/get rid of the stress. Stress does a lot of harm to the body.
Thanks for your comments. I just had to put my dog down because of an immune problem so I have been very stressed and not eating as well. I will try to calm down. Thanks
bodman25 said:
Thanks for your comments. I just had to put my dog down because of an immune problem so I have been very stressed and not eating as well. I will try to calm down. Thanks
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog, you must be so sad....try to keep eating.