Strep Throat Infection

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I am a speech therapist in the public school system. I used to get strep throat quite often as a child but have only had it once or twice as an adult. That is not counting the 3 TIMES I have had it this current school year?

What do you think that is about. I am 6 months post AVR. Surely I am not more susceptible to strep. Endocarditis does concern me. What do you guys think? BECCA
Many of us noticed that our immune systems aren't too efficient for awhile after ohs. I had more, and worse colds and stuff for about 8 to 10 months after surgery. Since you're around kids, I'd suspect you're just catching what you're exposed to.

Do you still have your tonsils? If you do, you probably should see an ent. My experience with both my kids is that once they got strep the antibiotics never knocked it out of the tonsils - just suppressed it. I think that due to having had this 3 times, and being so recently post-ohs, you should go to an expert and get the best treatment available.
I think there's a real chance that all three infections are one infection that never really quit.... Like Georgia said, see an otolaryngologist.
Strep throat is dangerous to the heart.
If it is happening often, it may be worth seeking help from your doc to prevent any damage to your new heart.

I was found (post RP) to be a carrier of strep & docs oppted to leave situation alone due to the bacteria release if they remove the tonsels
