Strange Things Are Going On...

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi Gang,
I was wondering if anyone knew or if they have had this happen to them...

I went for my Chemical Stress Test on Wednesday, and when I got home, I started feeling sick to my stomach, and was sick all the next day, and yesterday and I finally went to the ER because I was worried that my potassium level was getting too low, which it shouldn't as it could bring on a heart attack, well, they told me I had the flu, and gave me anti nausea and immodium and sent me home, and I am somewhat better, but I found that I have lost 11 lbs of fluid! Just wondering if anyone else has ever experienced this and if so, what did his/her doctor tell them it was caused by...Thanks in advance. Harrybaby :D :D :D
If you have lost that much fluid, lots of things could be out of whack with your electrolytes. Joe has had that feeling when his sodium has been too low, something we have to be careful about since he is on such a low sodium diet.

He has also had those symptoms when his digoxin level is not correct.

I hope your doctors have done a metabolic panel and a dig. level (if you are on it).

The chemicals that are used in some of the radionuclide tests can sometimes act like a powerful diuretic. I remember I lost about 9 lbs with a cath.

I hope you start feeling better.
Thanks Nancy...

Thanks Nancy...

I am not on Digoxin yet anyway....So far I take Coreg 12.5 mg twice daily, Lasix 40mg daily and 80 mg, if I need it, and Potassium 20 meq once daily and twice daily if I need it, plus Diovan. I seem to go through this every few months or so, so I am wondering could this be my Congestive Heart Failure getting worse? Thanks for the help Nancy. Harrybaby666 :D :D :D