Strange sensation in my back

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When I lie on my back, or even lean back on my right side, I feel this strange sensation when I breathe. The best I can describe it is like my lung sliding along my back and skidding along. Like 2 surfaces that rub together with inadequet lubrication. It's mild at first, but when lying down to sleep it becomes more pronounced, and starts to be uncomfortable.

Anyone have any idea what this might be?
I can feel it through the skin in my back with my hand on the right side of my spine. Quick little vibrations.

I have my check up with my surgeon tomorrow, so I'm going to have them check it out as well, just thought I might pop in here real quick to see I anyone else has experienced this.

It might be fluid. Don't let them dismiss it; exagerate the level of discomfort if necessary.
Yup, that was what I was thinking, too. Fluid somewhere. I know when I get too much salt, or my PA pressure is up, or before my mitral surgery, I could/can FEEL fluid in my lungs. And I felt/feel it shift if I change positions while lying down.

So if you have fluid around your lungs, in your lungs, or in the pericardial sac, for instance, I would not be surprised to find you can feel it shift positions.
It might either be fluid or there could be no extra fluid but actually rubbing of the 2 walls.i think it is call pericardial friction rub, or if it around your lung plueral friction
Wade, Is your appt in the morning? if not I think I would call whoever you are supposed to call with questions, I'm not sure what time it is in Denver, but maybe you could even call now.
Man, y'all are smart!
The nurse said it's a little fluid still in my right lung. It's almost gone as of this evening. :)