Strange change in my INR

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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2008
Fairfax Virginia
I have been home testing now for 7 weeks. I test every week.

Week 1: INR 2.5
Week 2: INR 2.5
Week 3: INR 2.5
Week 4: INR 2.6
Week 5: INR 2.4
Week 6: INR 2.5
Week 7: INR 3.4

I am not sure where this sudden jump came from. The results came from a hospital lab when I went in for a cardioversion last week. I cross checked at home and came up with the same level. While the level is theraputic, I question how I experienced such a big jump. I did not take any medication or what not that could account for such a change? Any ideas? I test again tomorrow and will update.

Might be from the stress of the events surrounding the cardioversion.
"Sometimes - it just happens" is another reason.
I wouldn't worry about it. Your in range, so don't freak over it. Soemtimes it just happens. A week from today, you'll probably be back in the lower area.
Might be from the stress of the events surrounding the cardioversion.
"Sometimes - it just happens" is another reason.


The first thing my ACT managers ask me when my INR takes a bit of a jump is "Have you been under any stress lately?"

The other thing I wonder is, have you reduced your physical activity this past week? That would do it too.

Sometimes there is no answer, but as long as you're in range still next week...don't sweat it.
Stress doesn't bother me. I actually thrive on stress if that is possible. My activity was down last week as I was having the arrythmias, perhaps that is the reason. I spent two and a half days as a couch potato until they could convert me.

I see the arrythmia specialist on Wednesday. I hope to come off of the amiodorone and dig. I am told that I will need an ablation procedure soon. Not looking forward to that, have to come off the coumadin, have the procedure then get back in range. Am told that I might have to spend 5 days in the hospital.

Stress doesn't bother me. I actually thrive on stress if that is possible. My activity was down last week as I was having the arrythmias, perhaps that is the reason. I spent two and a half days as a couch potato until they could convert me.

I see the arrythmia specialist on Wednesday. I hope to come off of the amiodorone and dig. I am told that I will need an ablation procedure soon. Not looking forward to that, have to come off the coumadin, have the procedure then get back in range. Am told that I might have to spend 5 days in the hospital.


Those two days on the couch are most likely the cause. Disruption of normal excercise, less blood filtered through the liver.
Stress doesn't bother me. I actually thrive on stress if that is possible. My activity was down last week as I was having the arrythmias, perhaps that is the reason. I spent two and a half days as a couch potato until they could convert me.

I see the arrythmia specialist on Wednesday. I hope to come off of the amiodorone and dig. I am told that I will need an ablation procedure soon. Not looking forward to that, have to come off the coumadin, have the procedure then get back in range. Am told that I might have to spend 5 days in the hospital.


Is your Cardiologist planning on Bridging you with Lovenox or Heparin over this "Off Coumadin" time?

If it were me, I would certainly discuss this (or demand it!)

Thanks for the info. I am not sure what the cardiologist is planning yet. I meet with him tomorrow. I do know they are talking about a 5 day stay in the hospital to get me off coumadin, do the procedure and then get my levels back up. Will know more soon.



Thanks for the info. I am not sure what the cardiologist is planning yet. I meet with him tomorrow. I do know they are talking about a 5 day stay in the hospital to get me off coumadin, do the procedure and then get my levels back up. Will know more soon.


This tells me he's planning on a heparin drip.
This week I am at 1.5. I think this comes from over correcting and the fact that I spaced once this week and forgot a dosage.

I do want to thank everyone for their sage advice. This is all new to me.

What's your plan for bringing it up until you go to the hospital? You do realize that your in danger for clotting right now right?

My cardiologist manages my coumadin. I expect a call from him today regarding a revised dosage for today and the rest of the week. Actually, just received the call. Increased, "booster", dosage today then back to my old schedule.

I am aware.