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Ive got a Bonnie moving real slow and a Charlie moving fast..hope they do not ever meet and marry ,or we will have The Perfect Storm....
Batten down the hatches Gulfers..its gonna be a blow...

Love Yaps


I was in a category IV typhoon in the 60's, on a tiny island in the Pacific. Unforgettable! Hope your perfect storm never materializes!! GOOD LUCK! hang in there!



Hi Yaps...
Where in Alabama are you? I'm just north of Montgomery. We had a hurricane come through here a few years ago that took out some of our pecan trees. Hopefully, this one will pass us by!


Magnolia Springs... right on Bonnie's path... Charlie may veer off..I hope so... Im just 10 miles from the gulf of Mexico... we will feel them no matter what..just deaths ,no injuries, and only minimal structural damage.. :D I dont ask for much do I?
After 20 years here ..I should be adjusted to this, but..the older I get the more it seems to just make me ache.... And the damage storms do... let me stop now, lol, ..thanks all, yaps
Awwwwright!! Was It You Yaps?? LOL

Awwwwright!! Was It You Yaps?? LOL

Allrighty Then,
Who is the wise guy that sent the severe weather up here to NH? LOL Was it you yaps? We are getting pumalled by severe thunderstorms right now...Just thought I would see who slapped the cursed weather on us...LOL :D :D :D :D :D :D Harrybaby
Hmmm...a storm named Bonnie. :D

Looks like when they are done with you they may pay us a visit in NC. We were thinking about going to the beach tomorrow for my last few days before my appointment with my surgeon on Monday and my departure back to TN later in the week, but Bon & Chuck have changed our minds (don't want to get stranded there if worst comes to worst). Having lived in NC for 30+ years we know what can happen...even as far inland as Raleigh (Fran clobberd us). My parents have a place on Emerald Isle so we go through this every year (seems like NC is a magnet for tropical storms). Oh well, you can't stop mother nature from doing her thing!
My Bonnie lies over the Ocean

My Bonnie lies over the Ocean

:D :D :D :D So, all my VR Buddies watch out for me.. :eek: :eek: :eek:Hanali, I was born and raised in Selma. Daddy (age 90) still live there..Loves his garden. No rain. has to water hope he gets rain...but NO wind.. :eek: :eek: Yaps, buckle down, just in case..Ann, you are up far in the Piney Woods, but you take care, too. Bill Aldridge, you, too........Weather is crazy, sunny here all day..then a few hours ago, rain, from nowhere? :confused: :confused: Don't think the weathermen even know... Bryan, probably a wait and see..the weekend is suppose to be nice..after they (Bonnie and Charley go thru).....I was in Panama City, Fla. several months after Opal hit..Still glass in streets, Condo's half gone..Nasty stuff. these Gulf storms and your side, too. Bryan..Bonnie
The tourist will be leaving in droves..

The tourist will be leaving in droves..

some may stay for the 'cane' partee',and some for the surf.. many get hurt by doing this ,some brother-in law was a cop on the beach for 16 years..he'd say Thank God for mandatory evacuation...Gulf Shores is a dangerous place to be during these storms, many wait until the bridge is closed down ,..then want to go?? :rolleyes: Love the yap ...
reporting in from Fl panhandle - it's dead quiet outside. Always is before the storm, however, we expect only rain right here. A few miles away it's a whole other story, tho. The storm is downgraded to a tropical instead of a hurricane; good news. We will get lots of rain and since we are on the west side of the storm, windwise, we're going to be fine. Schools, businesses are shut down in our county and others east of us. Daughter works for county west of us and she had to go to work - bet she'll be home soon! Then we wait to see what Charley will bring. The weatherfolk say it's going to hit Tampa - but from my lifetime in Florida, I don't think so. There is something in the coastline that causes them to veer away from Tampa. They seldom get hit. It just might visit us but we pay the preacher so maybe not.... :eek: .
My daughter lives in Tampa. She is evacuating with her family and animals. The storm just got upgraded to a Level 4 Hurricane.

God Bless all in Florida and in the path as it moves on up.
4? sure you don't mean 3? It's still strong.

Looks like my speedguide buddies are in for a rough ride. Hope Philips boat isn't in the bay. :eek:
My cousin and her family are in St. Pete.....I can't reach them, so am assuming they too are evacuating. Wow, all of you guys in the South East and gulf coast are going to have to be strong for this one! Good luck to all.
Just received a tearful call from my good friend who's condo we stay at when we go to Ft. Myers Beach. Charlie has been upgraded to a 4 and is headed right at FMB. Her aunt lives there and moved inland to a friends house by the river, but now they are saying to evacuate there because the river will flood.
It looks like it will hit Ft. Myers and then cut across. The storm has moved.

My daughter is still home, they were going to go, but things have changed a little.

Ft. Myers will get it very badly, I guess. Tampa will still get damage, but not like it was going to be a little while ago.

I guess Sanibel Island is going to get hit badly also.
Calling for an 18' storm surge. Having lived in NC for so long and taken so many hits it tends to be storm surge (on the coast) and flooding (inland) that does so much damage. The tornadoes that it spawns will also be a problem. It sounds like the wind will be bad with Charlie, but in a fairly narrow path. We are waiting for what's left of him here in NC tomorrow.
The last two days we (our business) have been busy securing homes under construction in preparation for the storm. I think we are as ready as we are going to get. We have about ten homes in North Carolina that are at vulnerable stages. In the past we have sustained too much damage not to take warnings seriously.

We lived in the Venice/Nokomis area of Florida for about ten years and still have friends in the area. I tried to reach them earlier today and think they probably loaded their family in the motorhome and drove out of the area. They visited us a week or so ago and it is a beautiful vehicle....hardly roughing it. I know though that their area took a much harder hit than they expected. They too have a new home under construction and I know it is in a low lying area (on the Myaka river) so that could be a problem.

My sister and brother-in-law built the home next door to us (to occupy when they finally retire ) and last week my brother-in-law's sister moved into it to hopefully rent it for the next couple of years. My new neighbor, "Pete" still has a house in the Tampa area that her daughter in living it. (It is really like musical houses around here lately) Well, Pete doesn't have phone service or cable TV yet so has been at our house trying to stay abreast of the weather in Florida.
I'm glad for them that the Tampa area has been spared a direct hit.

Well, I hope everyone stays safe and this soon gets behind us all. Hurricane clean up is such hard work and I just don't have that kind of energy anymore.
We just returned from Captiva Island less than a week ago. Evacuation routes are clearly marked etc. There is one jog in the road at the tip of Captiva. Runs just feet away from the surf. I commented as we drove along that it would be scary in a storm. Complete wash out.

Sanibel/Captiva is one of our favorite places to unwind. Beautiful, unspoiled, etc. Our daughter was in tears thinking about all of the people, places, etc on the island as well as the entire state of FL.

My God be with them.

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