Still have fluid around the heart

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Eastern SD
Talked with my cardio's nurse yesterday and she gave me the results of my last echo done last Monday. I still have pericardial effusion. I was surprised I still have fluid around my heart because I am feeling better. I am certainly not 100% yet though. I am still taking prednisone for the fluid and have another week or so of treatment with it. They also took blood and I am still showing anemia, which they say is normal. So still on the road to recovery!
God bless,
Should you go in and ask for a full blood workup? I've been curious about this. I too, lost alot of blood so anemia set in. They just told me to take iron twice daily. My B6 and B12 were messed up before surgery, but they put me on something called Folbee and it's made me feel better.

Should you ask for full blood workups?
Should you go in and ask for a full blood workup? I've been curious about this. I too, lost alot of blood so anemia set in. They just told me to take iron twice daily. My B6 and B12 were messed up before surgery, but they put me on something called Folbee and it's made me feel better.

Should you ask for full blood workups?

I just took several blood test, wish I remember what they were! They said it all looked good except for the anemia (I think it was the white cell count was low or high, I forget). I will certainly talk with my cardio Monday when he gets back (he was gone a couple days last week, that is why the nurse called me).
Talked with my cardio's nurse yesterday and she gave me the results of my last echo done last Monday. I still have pericardial effusion. I was surprised I still have fluid around my heart because I am feeling better. I am certainly not 100% yet though. I am still taking prednisone for the fluid and have another week or so of treatment with it. They also took blood and I am still showing anemia, which they say is normal. So still on the road to recovery!
God bless,

I had the fluid and same treatment as you are getting ... I felt better pretty fast but it take a while for all the fluid to dissipate ... I was told that I was "slightly" anemic before I left the hospital (I was given a choice to stay a day or two more go home, I went home) and that it "might " resolve itself ... it didn't ... I was back to the hospital and an overnight stay for a three bag (I assume a bag is a pint) fill up ... But as Ross said it takes time, and for some, a lot of time ... listen to your body and it will tell you what you need to do or not do .......
Sorry to hear your having to go through this still. I did'nt have any fluid around my lungs but they did tell me after OHS and lung surgery that I had anemia. They said to eat alot of protein that,that would help. I never went back for blood so must of helped. My blood work came back normal after a few weeks. Hang in there Randy. Pray you'll be fine soon. Keep us posted.
Sorry to hear your having to go through this still. I did'nt have any fluid around my lungs but they did tell me after OHS and lung surgery that I had anemia. They said to eat alot of protein that,that would help. I never went back for blood so must of helped. My blood work came back normal after a few weeks. Hang in there Randy. Pray you'll be fine soon. Keep us posted.

Thank you Crystal for the prayers! I am trying to eat as much protein as possible, like eggs and meat. I did something yesterday that strained my sternum, I don't remember exactly what I did but I am sore today, hopefully I did not damage the healing.
Just try to relax the next few days, it should feel better. I hurt mine when I got up and down kept pushing myself up with my arms instead of using my knees. Still have problems when I move uncertain ways, so be careful with the
sterum. :)

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