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Well-known member
Nov 22, 2011
Rhode Island
I am 5 weeks post-op and my sternum is still killing me, Its hypersensitive, anything that even rubs it, it feels aweful.
I know this is my 4th surgery & Dr's told me recovery would be much longer, I am just wonfering if anyone else has had/have this issue.
Its been 5 weeks today since my op. My sternum is still slightly painful when I get up but it seems fine otherwise. If I press hard then it hurts a little. Im off all painkillers now but hopefully you are still taking them if you are in pain. Makes sense to bring this up with a doctor though and to make sure it isn't infected in any way.

Hopefully this will sort itself out soon.

Good luck
Are you talking about the sternum bone itself, like a deep pain , or it sounds like the outside surface part of the incision, or maybe the wires.. I probably would get it checked either way if it is still this painful this far out. FWIW Justin's didnt really hurt more from his 4th or 5th surgeries than it did his third or longer, he was off pain meds in about 2 weeks if i remember right
I am still on the pain meds, It hurts from between the brests all the way up to the neck, lower part seems to be ok.
I go the Dr's Dec 6th, I hope there is no infection.

When i had my last surgery #3, I was off the pain killers in about a week or 2. this time is so much harder on me, Maybe its because i am older.
My last OHS was 7/27/11 + my wires (3rd op) were not done well + cause pain, but if I were you, I wouldn't wait to see the doc. Call tomorrow.
I hope you are still using your pillow for coughs and esp laughs as they probably are getting more is your overall endurance........I was doing fine and getting stronger bet then started to backslide and soon it was evident something was rong as I couldn't do nearly what I could the previous week.......things like didtance walked or stairs climbed THOSE WERE MY INFECTION if you are pushing your self harder it is likely that you are doing more but I agree "WHEN IN DOUBT , CHECK IT OUT"
I'm six weeks post op tomorrow...why would you think you have an infection? Does the incision look ok? Of course if you think there is an infection you should get it checked out asap...but most likely it's just healing pain.

I'm still sensitive as well, but it's not extreme...What's happened this week is weird though...It's been hurting almost in my back, behind the a bad ache..I remember this from my first surgery and have read this is common so I'm not that worried about it but it was weird that out of nowhere this has really hurt two nights in a row.

I've also pushed it hard (too hard) moving large objects that are very heavy...also I have been stretching and mild work outs which make the sternum seem to hurt a bit more...But nothing extreme.

I am on my last Warfarin tomorrow, which I think will mean I can start taking Aleve or Advil, which i can use for the sensitivity and pain more than the strong pain killers that don't seem to help much.