Sternum Support device???

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Hello ALL , I saw some link to a website that sold a device that you held together while doing deep breathing or coughing. It looked like a back support but was for the sternum, it said it has been used in hospitals etc.. It was about $75. Does anyone have any INFO on this. I can not find the link, i was wondering if anybody tried it? It seemed like a good alternative to clutching a pillow? If someone has the link i would like it.
4 days till....OHS.


Thanks thats the one......any feedback on this?


Hi Seth!

You're in my prayers as you go through these last few nervous days. I still can't believe I made it through and I'm now on the other side. You'll be shocked, too, when you're looking back on the whole thing next week. It flies by! (That's a good thing.)

I ordered a HeartHugger because of Jeff's recommendation. It is a fantastic device. What shocked me is that not one person at my hospital had ever seen one. It is so superior to a heart pillow! It supports your entire rib cage as well as the sternum. Most of my pain has been in the rib area on my right side and in my back between my shoulder blades. The heart pillow does nothing to help that pain! But the HeartHugger does. I wear it all the time and am not even aware it is there -- until I sneeze or cough!

Jim, 'happyheart', ordered a HeartHugger after I told him about it. He loves it too and had some interesting hospital experiences with it. His recommendation, I'm sure, would be the same as mine:

Go to and call the number there and have them FedEx one to you.

You'll be glad you did!
Just in case you don't get the hearthugger, and they don't give you a pillow -- they never gave me one -- you can hug yourself, which is basically what they told me to do. You cross your arms, reach a little farther, and hold yourself together when you're going to cough. After all, coughs don't give much warning, and you mgiht not have the pillow or hearthugger handy.
Glad to see Kay alive and well!! How was the vent?!

I am also glad to see the word getting out on the Heart Hugger. This thing is great!! 20 years ago I had OHS and used a pillow. This was fine then but now that I have used the Heart Hugger I realize how much better it is with the hugger.

The Heart Hugger is fairly new and is only used in a few hospitals. I belive as patients start requesting them and the word gets out it will become common place.

I had my second OHS on Oct. 18th At the Toledo Hospital in Toledo Ohio. They provide the Hugger for you. You can purchase them at I belive they are 75.00 each and WELL worth it!!!

Good luck on your surgery, we are all here for you!! You can PM or email me if you have any other questions. I have been back to work full time now and I dont get on here as much as i like too.

best wishes and our prayers are with you. Let me know what you think about the heart hugger after surgery.


by the way
After all said:
You wear the heart hugger 24/7 so its always handy!

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