Sternum still moving, hurting

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I'm now 20 months post op and I still have some issues with my sternum. I've gotten very active again, primarily swimming at a competitive level. From time to time swimming and other times, I still feel like my sternum is a bit "soft" either like its stretching, or even gets a bit mishapen with a ridge rising slightly that smooths out later. Last night, I had worse pain swimming particular some short poking pains that felt like wires scraping around and the strange sensation of my sternum stretching a bit. Does anyone have any idea if this is typical? How long does it take for the Sternum to fully harden or does it stay a bit soft? Any thoughts would be appreciated. I'm going to follow up with my surgeon too.

Time to get checked out. You should be fully healed by now. You may well have some wires moving around causing what is perceived to be the bone.
There is also a lot of cartilage around your sternum that may be causing that sensation. Each rib is attached to your sternum by cartilage, and if you do something to inflame that cartilage it will let you know. This can happen to anyone, but I believe those of us who have participated in the "sawed in half" magic trick are more susceptible to this happening. I have been suffering from this for 2 and a half months (costochondritis is the technical term...see "I ain't scared of no MRI" in post-op forum). I am experiencing clicking and movement in my sternum, but the MRI ruled out any non-union of my sternum and my surgeon thinks those sensations are coming from areas where the cartilage joins my sternum. I may or may not also have a wire or two poking me in the same general area (top portion of my sternum).

Ross gives good advice, get it checked out with your surgeon. Chances are that at 20 months you have probably just overdone it and aggravated a wire or some cartilage. BUT...if it is a non-union problem or infection of your sternum, that can be life threatening if not taken care of.