I just went and reread Justin page, (another good reason for a page, it helps me remember) Justin DID have his surgery at a Childrens hospital, so somethings might be different, but since he was 17, alot would be the same.He had his surgery on Monday 5/2, he had his preop work up the friday before and we didn't have to go to the hospital until the morning of surgery. He got something (I think versed or valium) and then his IV. he was awake but loopy when he went back,The next thing he knew he was in CCU, it was about 7 hours between him going back to the or and getting to CCU at 5pm. He was on and off awake but remembers everything. They were going to try and get him off the vent before he got to CCu, but he wasn't ready, he got off it about 10pm.
Tuesday morning they pulled his chest tubes, pacerwires and foley, he sat up in a chair for a few hours and was on the heart flooraround noon on Tuesday and also walked a couple laps around the floor.the only things he had when he got to the floor, was IV access.
If you want to check out Justin's page, I have a pretty good record about the hospital stay and how he was the days and weeks post op it is
www.caringbridge.org/nj/justinw go to the journel history and start reading, about April 28-29. if you go to the bottom of the photo page, there is a picture of him Wed Morning when the bandages were coming off. This was the 3rd time his chest was cracked, so they did a little scar revision when they were closing him and it looks really good, I hope this helps, Lyn