Staying the Course -- 08--08-2016

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Steely Resolve!
Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2005
Coastal Carolina
Happy new Staying the Course week!

How about the Olympics? I am enjoying just about everything at the Rio Games. We needed an injection of fresh energy and enthusiasm, I believe. The Olympic spirit is alive and well.

I got careless last week and lost my Garmin Vivofit. However, I was able to find a heavily discounted replacement on Amazon. Maybe these fitness thingies are getting so popular that a market glut is dropping prices. Okay by me.

I had a bad day of nausea and chills over the weekend that I think resulted from mixing cold medicine with an incompatible prescription med. Learned a lesson. Anyway I feel better now and Ellie is now barking at me twice a day to get off my butt and walk her, which we did last evening and this morning.

Sad one-year anniversary today of my Sadie the Superdawg's passing. So many good memories -- those of you who have followed me a long time now know much Sadie meant to me, and still does. Kindred spirit. Yes, I love Ellie, too.

Well have a good week all.



Hi SB, I didn't know about you loosing your dog a year ago. They do become your best friend and loosing one is never without loss.

I'm surprised that I'm still loosing weight, now 17 days post op. I'm down to 173. That is 20 lbs under my fluid heavy weight when I got home 12 days ago. I'm eating well, walking around 2 miles a day, but it does not explain why I'm 9 lbs under my pre surgery weight. Wonder if increased blood flow is doing something to my metabolism.

Any body else experience this post o?

If you happen to see a rain storm in your area, send it to Western PA, we are in need of rain. Grass is brown, garden is dry, and my spring is running slow.

Take care. And just to excite a few friends here, I did see a US swimmer beat an Australia one in some race.
FredW;n867232 said:
Hi SB, I didn't know about you loosing your dog a year ago. They do become your best friend and loosing one is never without loss.

I'm surprised that I'm still loosing weight, now 17 days post op. I'm down to 173. That is 20 lbs under my fluid heavy weight when I got home 12 days ago. I'm eating well, walking around 2 miles a day, but it does not explain why I'm 9 lbs under my pre surgery weight. Wonder if increased blood flow is doing something to my metabolism.

Any body else experience this post o?

If you happen to see a rain storm in your area, send it to Western PA, we are in need of rain. Grass is brown, garden is dry, and my spring is running slow.

Take care. And just to excite a few friends here, I did see a US swimmer beat an Australia one in some race.
Yes me, I've lost heaps of weight I can't really explain. And I don't feel that hungry either. People tell me I look pale, which spooks me a bit.

PS you have 15 times the population, so we expect you to get 15 times the medals we get. Last time i checked we were coming fourth. Wishing America all the best in the 'games'.
Superbob;n867227 said:
Sad one-year anniversary today of my Sadie the Superdawg's passing. So many good memories -- those of you who have followed me a long time now know much Sadie meant to me, and still does. Kindred spirit. Yes, I love Ellie, too.
It's been a year? We all know how much you loved her. Stay well my friend
SB - It is, to me, very normal to take time on special anniversaries to remember those who have gone before us -- even pets. It has been over 20 years since our little Shih Tzu crossed that Rainbow Bridge, but there are still times when I do something or see something and I think "Paxton would have loved this." Our beloved pets do stay with us, don't they?
I, too, relate to your loss, SB. You too, Steve. Still missing a dear lhasa I had for 17 years.
I think about Sadie often but hadn't thought about yesterday being the one-year anniversary of her passing til Facebook put my blogpost of last August 8 on the "On This Day" feature. Not fair to compare, because all dogs have different personalities, just as people do. But Sadie was a gentle,sweet, and sensitive soul who would get terribly frightened by fireworks or thunder. Ellie can be sweet but she is one tough lady, afraid of nothing, always ready to play roughhouse with my son's male lab who is 50 pounds heavier (she has actually done takedowns) They both are among the blessings of my life
Sending cyber hugs your way SB. I've sent a number of fur babies over the Rainbow Bridge and am looking forward to seeing them all again. I have two now, and they both light up my life.
thanks HB and all others who have commented on the loss of sweet doggies, mine and theirs over the years. I've not gone back into deep mourning or anything, just nostalgia when a year-ago Facebook post brought back memories. Trying with my current wonder dawg Ellie to finish out a Carolina summer that has been hotter and more humid than even a typical Carolina summer. Ellie missed our walking when I was in recovery from cataract surgery one (as I will be for a few days after getting other eye done late next week) - so she now lobbies for two-a-days (like a football coach) -- morning and around sunset. Been trying to do the second -- most days I have but sometimes just sit in the backyard with her and watch the sunset. I am an old guy after all, staying the course. Cheers all -- appreciate all the comments and positive thoughts!
Well, SB, I wish we had weather nice enough to want to sit outside and watch the sunset. Our weather has been so hot and muggy that I have not been out walking for days. I've been to the indoor fitness center, but I usually do both. I miss the solitude of my outdoor walks and look forward to the weather cooling down to "normal" so I can get back out. For me, walking is almost like meditating. I walk in places where I do not have to worry about traffic, and where I see few other people. I can just let my mind wander, and I can relax. For me, it is more relaxing than reading a book or watching TV, or any hobby. I can let my mind process whatever is troubling me, and I become calm. Especially useful to me at times like the present.
Sb, I know what it's like to lose a pet but I know you have fond memories of Super Dawg.....

I have not been around here for a while, life is going full speed ahead!! My last cardio visit was very good. Passed stress test and echo with flying colors. I have started back on low (not no) carb diet and the weight is coming down. My goal is just to stay the course on my plan.

Keep it between the navigational beacons........
Peace out.....
Before the week gets away, wanted to say how great it is to see you, Cooker. Please stop by any time the spirit moves -- after all, you started all this! We need to have a Founder's Day in honor of The Chimp! And by all means bring The Ref with you!