Staph test at pre-op

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I had my pre-op at Cleveland Clinic yesterday, and I guess I either passed, or failed, since I'm STILL having surgery Monday. (Was hoping for some sort of Divine intervention that had already fixed my valve:) )

One of the last tests they did, was swab my nose for staph, and give me a Rx for an ointment to use twice Sunday, and Monday mornng before surgery. They have found a link between a positive test result, and staph infections post op. Of course, I just got the call that mine was positive, so I have to go fill my Rx. I knew mine would be..I have two big dogs, and three cats, so I'm probably a walking germ. I had never heard of this test though, and now I'm glad they did it.

This past week I have set out bottles of hand sanitizer in every room. My daughter is just getting over a bad cold, and I got an ear infection from water in my ear when I had my hair done last Friday. The worst place for germs though was that hospital in all the exam waiting rooms. Never heard so many people hacking and sneezing!. Of course in Dr. Oz's book, he says the most germ covered surface in your hospital room is the TV remote control. I took a small bottle of that new Clorox hard surface spray and did all the bathroom, and handles/knobs in the hotel room yesterday. I feel like I should be in a bubble for the next 3 days!
Hey Peg!
Thanks for your pm last night! :D The staph thingy isn't a big deal. I tested positive also. Just another safeguard! I just remember being exhausted from waiting all day long for my appt with Dr. Pettersson. Received the call about the staph while we were waiting around to see Dr. P and all I can say it was a good thing my sister had arrived because I was shutting down by then and she pretty much guided me and or practically carried me to the pharmacy. Older sisters (my only one) have a knack of making things better!
I meant to ask you last night.....Do you have anyone posting for you post-op? I'd be more than happy to do so if you don't have anyone lined up thus far.
Hi Peg..
I wasn't tested for the staph..but given the antibiotic ointment too, and they swabbed my nose with it each day in the hospital as well.

I am a huge I carry that sanitizer Everywhere..and made my dh clean the phone with it in my hospital room.

While I was in ICU..the techs were Great at cleaning .. They wiped down EVERYTHING..
out on the floor they didn't do so well.
this is cold praying you stay well Now and after your surgery..and for everything to go according to Plan:)
Make sure someone posts for you!
I went into the hospital in an emergency due to minor heart attack. I had been dealing with an Ear ache. ENT came in and examined me. Took a culture..Said I was ok for my surgery before the test results came back. Came to in ICU...Everyone had to suddenly start wearing gloves masks and gowns....full blown Staph infection....Got into my blood stream. They sent me home with a Pic line and home health came to give me Vancomycin at home. 3 days later I was back in the hospital with Sepsis...My mother died from Sepsis. I spent 8 days in the hospital on IV anti biotic therapy. They took my pic line out right away and it turned out that was how the staph spread to the bloodstream......I can't tell people enough....Don't let anyone touch you that doesn't put on fresh gloves and or wash their hands....I don't care who they are.....Doctors Nurses Aids . Some Doctors get too arrogant about it.
Just Do it! Ask for your own Stethoscope....They'll do it. Staph is everywhere..Precautions and proper procedures have to be followed. We pay the price if they're not.

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If you do any shopping this weekend. don't forget the buggy handles.:eek: Our large chain has the wipes on the wall next to the buggies.(Grocery store).....Maybe things have changed since I had my age then 10 year old grandson got in bed with me on my 2nd day.:) .. I am going to start a new thread for you..because the weekend is coming and many members go away..Look for it on Pre-surgery. Bonnie
BUBBLES are good. Mother had a nurse come to her house when she was so ill (home health nurse) and she carried the bottle of sanitizer in her pocket, used it when she came in, used it before she left. I think all patients in the hospital ought to have a bottle at bedside and all persons coming in/going out should be required to use it. And spraying each room after each patient leaves before the next one comes in.
Most Staph comes from people not taking the time to wash their nasty hands after going to the Bathroom....
They have spray cans of hand sanitizer mounted all over the hospital, and I've heard that they also have them outside the patient rooms. I do plan to have my husband spray down my room with the hard surface sanitizer as soon as I get moved.

I really think hospital personnel have to stop shaking hands. Everytime I had to shake another hand yesterday, I had to concentrate on keeping my hands still and not touching my face, until I was able to get my hand wipes out at the end of the appt. I have been using the wipes at the grocery stores for the carts. I've heard that you would be shocked if you could see what is living on those things, and you always see a baby teething on them:eek:
As far as I could see, the worst thing in the room is usually the tree they use for hanging the IV bags. Thiose things are all over the hosptial, handled by everyone. Nurses tend to put on the gloves, THEN they reach for the tree and start fooling around with the bags, THEN they go fool with the patient's insertion point. I know of several infections started that way, but I was prevented from mentioning it because the people were afraid that it would insult the nurses they depend on. I say better insulted than infectious. Nurses and staff tend to forget that the gloves are to protect the patients, not themselves.

A simple experiment... Go to the grocery store fish department. Watch them put on gloves and dole out raw fish. Now ask for some crayfish (they're fully cooked). The attendant will take those same raw-fishy gloves and grab a big handful of the critters to put in a bag for you. You don't realize it, but you're getting sushi, as far as how carefully those crayfish now have to be handled. They're only as fresh as the oldest fish the attendant touched before.

Hold on until your time. The waiting is the worst. When the time comes, let go of control and let the professionals handle it. If you can, have someone there whenever possible to watch things - someone who is ready to speak up if needed.

Best wishes,
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I fully understand your fear for bacteria and viruses, since I had this campylobacter infection. As a result, I did some serious shopping for Sterillium hand sanitisers and Hibiscrub showering gels, the same stuff they had in every room in the hospital. As for food, I dramatically increased my fish intake. Guess what? My friends and family are ringing the alarm bells and say I'm getting paranoid. Whoopdee .... :eek:

Be careful, don't turn into a control freak,