Just a reminder to set your clocks back one hour tonight when you go to bed! I love this night. One whole extra hour of life! The holidays are just around the corner!
Yeah, I agree. I don't like dark at 5:00 pm either, but I also have a hard time waking up and driving to school when it is still pitch dark at 7:00 am! We can't win either way!
Twice a year I have to move all my clocks,my car, my truck,my two watches, my bedroom clock, kitchen wall, tv microwave,and radio. Count them, thats NINE. I'm sick of this! Starting this year I'm going to move all of them back half an hour and then never move them again. LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY!!
Half the year I'll be late and the other half I'll be early.
Just think, your surgeon will be able to sleep an extra hour Tuesday Morning. He will be nice and rested. I had a friend once that told me he never saw his house in the daylight..Monday-Friday..Left in the dark and got home in the dark. Bonnie