Spectacular Make a Wish send-off

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Supporting Member
Sep 23, 2003
near Fort Worth TX
I was at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport on Friday. While waiting for a flight to Tulsa OK, I heard a ruckous from several gates away. Saw lots of balloons, sounded like a high school pep rally. I thought perhaps a couple of military troops returning home. Since this was at 6 p.m., I called my parents to see if there was anything on TV about it. Nada.
Curiousity got the better of me, so I strolled down to the gate. There was a huge arch that said CANDYLAND, lots of helium-filled balloons everywhere and streamers dangling from the door to the jetbridge.
It was a send-off for young people and their families who were going to Orlando FL for the weekend. All thanks to Make a Wish Foundation. Some with Make a Wish told me they send several families at the same time.
As each person walked through the streamer-bedecked doorway, he/she was cheered.

The group then moved to the gate next to mine, where people were waiting to fly to Kansas City. Someone was dressed up like a Kansas Jayhawk, and the cherring began again.

I thought of all those young people & their families -- and said a silent prayer for them.
I'd of lost it to stand and watch. I don't think most people realize just what it's like to be given an opportunity like that when there is no other way it would be possible.
Yes, the MAW folks are incredible. Even though Katie has not used her wish yet(I'm still rooting for meeting Brad Pitt in Hawaii :D ), we are still invited to occasional outings. We (well, Trip, Don and Katie, anyway - yours truly had to work:mad: ) got to go to a special air show just for MAW kids in September. Katie got autographs from most of the Thunderbird pilots. Those guys were so wonderful to put on a special early showing just for the MAW kids. MAW is a fabulous group! Glad to see they had such a fanfare! HUgs. J.

I did think of Katie when I was at the airport Friday.

I mentioned the send-off to my supervisor yesterday. He has a great-nephew who has lymphoma or some similar disease, which is now in remission (YEA!!!!). He said that Ethan & his family went to Orlando, thanks to the Make a Wish folks.