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Jul 19, 2007
New Mexico
I've mentioned on prior posts that my DH & I will be going on a cruise to the Caribbean in about 3 weeks.

Anyway, since I have to use my O2 machine at night for low oxygen levels, I will have to take a machine with us when we travel. The company I use will be supplying me with a Portable Sequel Eclipse which I can carry on board & stow away underneath my seat while on the airline. Well, this has been an absolute nightmare! :eek2:

First, I had to download the medical form from the cruiseline website, fill my portion & then take it to the dr to for his portion. Then it had to be faxed to the cruiseline. Okay, that went over pretty easy right???......NOT!

A few weeks later, a rep from Princess called me & asked me if I needed to have a supply of O2 tanks in my cabin & if I was going to bring them? I had to explain that the machine does not use O2 tanks because it is a self-producing or concentrator type machine! I asked them if they wanted I could go online, or they could go online, & see what it looked like. They said that that was not necessary but I would have to take a long-enough extension cord because there are not enough outlets in the ship's cabins.

Then, I got a call from AA about the machine because they saw where my travel agent had noted that I would need to carry on O2 with me when I boarded! They wanted a letter from the dr stating that I would NOT need to use the machine while on board. I already had a little thing (like an Rx from the dr.) stating I had to travel with O2 in my wallet to present at the airports. That was NOT enough for them.....they still needed the dr to state that I wouldn't need it while on board & for the dr. to fax it to them. So I called my dr again to do this for me! I then called the airlines to see if they had received the fax which they told me they had & that everything was fine! Whew!!!

But I told my husband that I still forsee problems at the airport......I just hope they don't stress me out too much!

Wish me luck! :thumbup:
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This is not unusual treatment, unfortunately.

Princess gave you a good tip about bring extension cord as there are very few outlets in cabins and you cannot be sure there will be one near enough to your bed.

Anyone needing oxygen, usually has to arrange for delivery of canisters from only companies approved by the cruise line. Each cruise line may (or may not) have different list of approved suppliers. You cannot simply bring whatever canisters you wish to most cruise lines. It is a safety issue.

We don't use oxygen but I have read of these sort of difficulties often on cruise line info sites.

Take nothing for granted and get everything confirmed....... preferably in writing AND

Have a wonderful time.

We cruised the Caribbean recently and had fabulous time. :)
This is not unusual treatment, unfortunately.

Princess gave you a good tip about bring extension cord as there are very few outlets in cabins and you cannot be sure there will be one near enough to your bed.

Anyone needing oxygen, usually has to arrange for delivery of canisters from only companies approved by the cruise line. Each cruise line may (or may not) have different list of approved suppliers. You cannot simply bring whatever canisters you wish to most cruise lines. It is a safety issue.

We don't use oxygen but I have read of these sort of difficulties often on cruise line info sites.

Take nothing for granted and get everything confirmed....... preferably in writing AND

Have a wonderful time.

We cruised the Caribbean recently and had fabulous time. :)

Thank you & believe me, I'm NOT taking anything for granted!

I have all sorts of documentation that I will be taking with me from doctors as well as stuff I've downloaded from the DOT website on POC's (Portable Oxygen Concentrators) that state that all POC's (my SeQual Eclipse is mentioned on their list), must be allowed on all flights originating or ending in the US, as of May 2009.

So I'm pretty much prepared, I hope! :)
I wish I could enjoy myself. I don't want to sit idling by and watching others having all the fun. That's more of a downer for me then a spirit uplift. Not to mention it would be extremely cost prohibitive.