Sorry, another Question about Flu Shots

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Freddie Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2007
Back in September I had bronchitis and I never really got over it and I still have that occasional bronchial cough. Now my loving son has passed onto me his head cold (he's so considerate) and sure shooten this head cold will move back into my chest. Oh joys.

I haven't had the simple flu shot nor the H1N1 shot, but now with my immune getting low, I'm thinking I should wait until I'm healthier to receive any kind of flu shot right?

I'm really undecided about getting the H1N1 shot. Apparently supply is getting low in my neck of the woods. They used give out a double dosage, now have scaled it back to one dosage - so are you getting enough coverage? Only young children, 55 an older and pregnant woman are on the priority list. And the possibility of getting the other diseases associated with the H1N1 vaccine really scares me.

Sorry for rambling, here's the question again:
I haven't had the simple flu shot nor the H1N1 shot, but now with my immune getting low, I'm thinking I should wait until I'm healthier to receive any kind of flu shot right?
The professionals will say that you're ok unless you're running a fever or have some other contraindication like GBS, etc. I personally know a person who is immunocompromised from HIV that had both the seasonal AND H1N1 vaccination. If that person can get the shot and be ok, I'm not sure why a cold should preclude anyone. This person I speak of almost always has somem sort of sniffle, cough or something like a cold.
It seems to me that if your immune system is low, you are more risk of contracting either the seasonal flu or the H1N1, and your ability to fight it off will be less.
I was finally able to receive the seasonal flu vaccination, and as soon as I can get the H1N1 I will, because I'm more afraid of the interaction between possible flu complications and the pulmonary hypertension I'm dealing with.
As Duffman said, as long as you're not running a temperature, you should be fine to receive it.
Every time I have gotten a flu shot, there has been a notice to not have the shot while you have a cold or flu or fever. I would not get the shot while I had a cold.
I called my Cardio last week about my getting the H1N1 shot. His medical assistant called me back and said she spoke to my Doc and he recommends that I do NOT have the shot. I don't know why not, unfortunately...

I got mine in the middle of a cold, no problems. that was a week and a half ago and I've gotten over the cold. The H1N1 is exactly the same as the regular flu shot, and would have been included in the regular shot if the timing was better.
I would ask your doctor, but I think if it is the shot with the dead virus and not the nasal spray that has the live virus, as long as you don't have a fever or aren't real sick it would be fine. IF you are anything like me, once the fall cough/respirtory starts, I don't get rid of it completely until spring
I just check the CDC site
(regular flu shot)
Who Should Not Be Vaccinated
There are some people who should not get a flu vaccine without first consulting a physician. These include:

People who have a severe allergy to chicken eggs.
People who have had a severe reaction to an influenza vaccination.
People who developed Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) within 6 weeks of getting an influenza vaccine.
Children less than 6 months of age (influenza vaccine is not approved for this age group), and
People who have a moderate-to-severe illness with a fever (they should wait until they recover to get vaccinated.)

ok here is the H1N1 (and the Typos are the gov, not me :) )
You should not get 2009 H1N1 flu vaccine if you have a severe (life-threatening) allergy to eggs, or to any other substance in the vaccine. Tell the person giving you the vaccine if you have any severe allergies.

Also tell them if you have ever had:

a life-threatening allergic reaction after a dose of seasonal flu vaccine.
Guillain-Barré Syndrome (a severe paralytic illness, also called GBS).
These may nobe be reasons to avoid the vaccine, but medical stff can help you decide.

If you are moderately or severely ill, you might be advised to wait until you recover before getting the vaccine. If you have a mild cold or other illness, there is usually no need to wait.

Inactivated 2009 H1N1 vaccine may be given at the same time as other vaccines, including seasonal infl uenza vaccine.
Thank-You Everyone for your responses.

In any case, I've decided to wait until Friday to get a flu shot (if at all).
I have to go out of town tomorrow and I can't take the chance to have any possible reactions while I'm out of town.
Does anyone know if the H1N1 vaccine have Thimerasol ( the preservative with mercury)? The regular flu shot does.
Does anyone know if the H1N1 vaccine have Thimerasol ( the preservative with mercury)? The regular flu shot does.

It might.
My husband's sister told him she wasn't going to take it due to the risk of mercury. He laughed at her. He seen's enough patients in ICU with this new strain of flu that he thinks anyone who doesn't take the vaccine is nuts.
I wonder if adults get the nasal spray with the live virus which doesn't have Thimerasol? Or is it only for kids?
Does anyone know if the H1N1 vaccine have Thimerasol ( the preservative with mercury)? The regular flu shot does.

Yes it does along with rabbit brains, monkey something or other - no......I'm not kidding. I'll see if I kind find a link to the program I watched.
It might.
My husband's sister told him she wasn't going to take it due to the risk of mercury. He laughed at her. He seen's enough patients in ICU with this new strain of flu that he thinks anyone who doesn't take the vaccine is nuts.

Do you remember playing with mercury as a kid?
Do you remember playing with mercury as a kid?
I remember rolling a ball of it around in one of my mother's pie tins :eek: .
It came from a broken thermometer, of course.

Don't get me started on the chipped bunson burner asbestos pads we used to shred and throw at each other in chemistry class when the teacher wasn't looking . . . :eek:
Do you remember playing with mercury as a kid?

Not only as a kid but where I worked lots of the instruments had mercury in them. It was common to see mercury spilled on the ground. Again boys will be boys and we played with the mercury. I'd been working almost 20 years before EPA was invented. Later after EPA 'saved' us and we stopped playing it. :D

In fact most everything we produced and the materials we used in the process also wound up EPA's list.... I'm still here today after working and breathing all that dangerous stuff for 32 years. :D
I remember rolling a ball of it around in one of my mother's pie tins :eek: .
It came from a broken thermometer, of course.

Don't get me started on the chipped bunson burner asbestos pads we used to shred and throw at each other in chemistry class when the teacher wasn't looking . . . :eek:

I know all the good fun stuff we did is now dangerous and child endangerment lol. I remember my parents getting a station wagon, just because of us kids, it had nice comfy mats and everyone would pile in, laydown during trips ect, and now they would get fined.
Does anyone know if the H1N1 vaccine have Thimerasol ( the preservative with mercury)? The regular flu shot does.

I've heard there is vaccine with thimerasol and vaccine without. I think the individual syringes do not but the little bottles of vaccine from which several doses are drawn has the thimerasol.

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