Sooooooo embarrassing!!

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2004
Portsmouth UK
We went food shopping earlier to get stuff for roast dinner tomorrow. Jason was moaning about me making good sausagemeat stuffing this week not the burnt affair of last week and Chloe had obviously been listening cos while Jason went off up the aisle to find his milkshake, I went to find stuffing mix and Clo, deciding daddy should be with us, yelled up the shop after Jason (and i do mean yelled!)...

'Daddy, come back, mummy needs a good stuffing!'

OMG - I must have gone so red, all these people were snorting and pretending not to laugh, I walked as fast as I could away from anyone who had heard, which was not many people at that point as Chloe had seen people found it funny and continued to repeat her beautiful sentence several more times!!

Love (a still blushing) Emma
Ah you handled it all wrong! You should have looked at her and said, "Why yes honey, you are so right" and smiled as big as you could. :D
As a frequent watcher of the BBC, I am familiar with the "term" (ahem...)
I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall to watch the reactions of bystanders. Do you think that most people on this side of the pond are familiar with the term used by your darling child? Well, if not, I'm not the one to do the 'xplaining! Thanks for the big chuckle you gave me. Kids are the best.
What a Delightful Read!

What a Delightful Read!

LOL! Just what we need here! Thanks for the post! Brian
He he he.... Blanche, our local PBS station runs British comedies on Saturday nights. For a while, they were running (in order) Fawlty Towers, Keeping Up Appearances, As Time Goes By and The Vicar Of Dibly. Of that group, my favorite 2 were Keeping Up Appearances and As Time Goes By. Sadly, they've cut that back to only 2 shows ... Fawlty Towers & As Time Goes By.

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