Something new for me -thyroid problems

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2011
Hamilton, ON Canada
Out of the blue I have been diagnosed with an over-active thyroid. This condition does not run in my family, so I wondered if this is another thing that can happen after OHS. It does explain some of the things I've been feeling over the past 3-4 months like shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, hair loss and insomnia.
Anybody else have this happen??
Thyroid issues are quite common in the general public and don't necessarily relate to OHS.
My Sis and my Dad are both on thyroid meds due to normal aging, and so far my thyroid is holding out.
Like Bina said many people who didnt have heart surgery can have thryroid problems, both my Mom and me have hypo. I was wonderring tho did you take or are you taking Amiodarone shortly before or after your OHS? One of the side effects from that COULD be hyper or hypothyroidism. If that might be a reason for yours, the good thing is after stopping amio your thyroid could go back to normal
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Thanks Bina and Lyn for the replies.
Lyn I have never taken amiodarone, so that's not the cause.
Everything I've read says how common it is in families, but nobody in my family has ever had thyroid issues. I'm going on Tues. for a Thyroid Uptake Scan, so we'll see what that shows.
I was kind of hoping it was a common thing that pops up after OHS so that would explain it, but obviously that's not the case. Like you said Bina, normal aging is a factor. Sometimes I think my body thinks it's 95 not 59:)