Some update on my surgery

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I want to give an update on my "recent" surgery.

After I did long research during 2004 and beginning of 2005, I decided for aortic valve replacement in April 2005.
I "ordered" the Carpentier-Edwards Perimount Magna Thermafix. That is the one with the new anti-calcification process applied.
So I was sending a fax to the hospital in advance requesting that valve. The hospital confirmed, that the valve was available.
The day before the surgery, at 18:00 h, the surgeon came into my room and confirmed that I was scheduled for the next morning at 06:00 h. I asked him to doublecheck the availability of the valve. He came back after 15 minutes and said, that they only have the Perimount Magna (without Thermafix), and that they made a mistake in confirming the availability of the other one. Anyway, he said he will order the valve for me for the next day. So the next morning I woke up at 05:00 h, but they said to me I will have to wait until the valve arrives from the airport.
At 10:00 it was available and I was taken to the surgery.

That was a short story about doublechecking the type of valve you want.


Thanks Dirk, it's often not even on the mind of the patient sitting and waiting. Too many take for granted that what they want is what they'll get. Sometimes it's not biologically possible, but still, doesn't hurt to make sure.
Ah, another man as persistent as my husband!.. Dick also double-checked once we were in the hospital that he would get the Edwards Magna valve which was new at the time and he did, but the Thermafix had not yet been introduced so alas, he got the one without Thermafix- sought of like getting the first model of a new car without the improvements.:(