Some positive things for a change

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
A couple of things have happened today that make me happy. Joe is in the hospital (see Small Talk) and is facing an upper GI scope in-hospital.

1.) The Gastro doc without any prompting from us, mentioned taking Joe off coumadin and putting him on Heparin for bridging AND using antibiotics prior to the procedure to protect is valves. I see this as a very positive sign that docs are starting to adress the issue of protecting ACT patients like Joe. He's already had several infarctions recently. Want to try to avoid any more if at all possible. And, well, you know my position on antibiotic prophylaxis.

2.) Joe's getting some IV Lasix. During the ER visit, I mentioned to the ER doc (who was very smart about heart valve stuff, by the way) that Joe needed to be on an extremely low sodium diet, 500mg or less. He took it seriously.

Today, the nurse who ordered Joe's IV Lasix asked the pharmacy if they could mix it with a Dextrose vehicle instead of a saline vehicle. The doc approved it, and the pharmacy agreed.

This will certainly help with the 6-8 pounds that Joe always gains in the hospital simply because they always use a normal saline solution which is way too much sodium for Joe. He always comes home in about stage 2-3 CHF from the saline vehicle. And it takes a very long time to get that straightened out.

NO ONE, in all the years he's been going to hospitals, has EVER suggested that, not even the large teaching hospital locally.

So we'll see how that works for him. It wouldn't probably work for those who are diabetic.

3.) His potassium level was very high in the ER. Instead of just cutting the dosage, the ER treated it aggressively to bring it down with several injected things. Apparently, Joe's Lasix wasn't working well, and the potassium he normally takes was building up to a dangerous level. It's been high in the past, but never treated so fast. I appreciated that. I felt he was better protected. So again, a first for that.

We'll see how the rest of the stay goes. But it's nice when people are doing positive things.
Thanks for sharing your positive experiences!

Thanks for sharing your positive experiences!

It is wonderful to hear about health care professionals working well. I have had great care, but so often you hear about the screw ups that it is hard not to believe that you need to micromanage your own care.

surgery 11/30/05
Hi Nancy! It is so nice to hear that Joe is getting great care in the hospital and that common sense is is so frustrating when concerns are blown off and not taken seriously! I pray that Joe's issues are soon resloved and he is back home soon;) Debbie
Please keep us updated on his progress. I'm pleased for you to be having such a positive experience and for once (!!) having medical professionals that are listening to what you have to say and acting intelligiently. I wish that more doctors would realize that today's patients and caregivers are, in some ways, more on top of their conditions that the doctors. Ah, if only they would listen to us and not look at us like we're nuts when we suggest things.
They do make 1/2 Normal Saline and 1/4 Normal saline for diluent, just more trouble to get and used mostly to dilute IV ABX's. I don't know if it comes in the vials to use for diluting things or not, I've never seen them on our unit.
At any rate--all the best for a quick recovery!
Thanks for the update on Joe. You two are very inspiring prolific posters on this board it is so good to hear good news.
My best to Joe!
All those things sound positive to me too. With all Joe's body has been through he may have developed a stress ulcer. I hope they soon get him feeling better.
You could be right Betty. You nurses are a right smart bunch! His ER nurse was terrific. She also works in the ICU, so all of Joe's medical history didn't phase her. She suspected right away what was going on. She thought it looked like internal bleeding, and i think she's right.
Sorry to hear Joe's back in the hospital, but, it sounds like he might be getting reasonably good care this time. Good to read that his medical team is looking at the 'big picture.' You must have trained them well...;)

Hope it's a short stay.

I hope his stay is of short duration, and he gets excellent medical treatment throughout.:)

After reading that Joe is back in the hospital, it was great to read THIS thread ... about positive things for a change. Hospital stays aren't fun, regardless, but it's nice to know that you are seeing some positives in this one.

As I mentioned in the other thread, thoughts/prayers coming for BOTH of you.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker =
chdQB =
"Nothing lasts forever" ... Guns N Roses ... 'November Rain'
Hi Nancy, although I am sorry that joe is in the hospital, the fact that he is getting appropriate care without you having to jump through hoops is very encouraging. Let's hope that care like that continues for his (what I hope will be) short stay.

Regards to you both.
Hi Nancy and Joe!...

This all sounds quite encouraging for the future ...
what a pleasure it must be to be getting the right stuff and right answers first ......
........instead of last through a series of trial and error...

.......although I am sure you guys have probably helped bridge this gap yourselves it certainly seems to have been worthwhile...


prayers for a speedy recovery Joe and lots less yucky after-effects this time hey!;)
Hello Nancy and Joe too!

I'm so sorry that Joe is having problems and has to be in the hospital but was very glad to see that he is getting such good care and concern for a change. He is also very lucky to have you as an advocate as well as those of us here on the board. You are always so helpful and knowledgeable and willing to share with others. It is admirable!
I'm sending you and Joe lots of positive thoughts and prayers for an easy problem to fix.

Best Wishes!

Thinking of Joe

Thinking of Joe

As he is the leader in the Bjork-Shiley valve, he is always on my mind as my
Bjork-Shiley clicks away in my chest. Tell him we are all with him and wish
you both the best.:)
It's so good to hear that creative solutions are being found at the hospital (sorry - no pun intended there).
Nancy and Joe.....
Sending all good thoughts that Joe's care continues to be good and he makes a quick recovery.