Some disturbing news yesterday!!

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Well let me begin by saying, I get on here a lot and read others stories and questions, but I dont really talk about mine too much.. I have had 3 open-heart surgeries. I was born with Aortic Stensis. when i was 9 they repaired it , that last about 5 years. Then i had to have it replaced when I was 14 and the surgeon thought a mechanical valve would be my best option, but i was told I could not have kids.. Well when i reached 21, I noticed a decrease in my energy and shortness of breath. When I went for my echo, I was told that the valve was leaking, but not to worry i would be monitored closely.. So a few years later in 2002 I sent my records to cleveland clinic and tehy were reviewed by Dr. Bruce Lytle. He said a 3rd surgery was in my near future, so I had my third surgery in jan 2003. When I was 25. he thought a homograft would be my best option since i wanted to have kids. The surgery was long I had to have my root replaced too. I was only in the hospital 4 days after my surgery and I had a great recovery, no complications. He told me if i wanted to have kids I should not wait long, b/c there is no guarentee with the valve.

In June of this year I found out that I was pregnant. I was so excited. everything has been going good with the baby. i am 21 weeks now, but i am being monitored very carefully. I was told I have to have a c-section. When I went yesterday for my echo, my Dr. said the valve opening is smaller, and it is moderate stenosis now. She said I will probaly need surgery after the baby is born. This news really depressed me and i had trouble slleeping last nite. To think I have to go through another surgery already and with a small baby. Its just a lot ot take in.
I understand how hard the news must be to hear. My valve first gave me indications of trouble during my last pregnancy, and I was devestated. I think we feel much more vulnerable when we are pregnant.
However, there's a chance the stenosis will progress slower than they think, and the surgery won't be necessary as soon as it now appears. You need to remain positive and remind yourself that you have accomplished your goal of becoming pregnant. Try not to worry now about what might happen later. I understand how hard that is, but try to do it.
I think Christian has posted a website devoted entirely to women having valve problems and their pregnancies. Maybe someone else remembers what it is and will chime in.
Keep posting and let us help you with what you're experiencing. :)
Mary said:
I think Christian has posted a website devoted entirely to women having valve problems and their pregnancies. Maybe someone else remembers what it is and will chime in.

There's a website of all women who have had children or are wanting/expecting children that have heart problems. The website is You could post something on the site and I'm sure any of them would offer to talk to you privately if you wish. Congratulations on your pregnancy and good luck!

Welcome! First, congratulations on your baby. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly.

Pregnancy can be hard on valves. My last pregnancy is what started the downhill slide towards my mitral valve replacement.

Mary has a point - once you've delivered the baby, hopefully the progression will slow and you will be able to buy some time. But I'm sure you already know that Moms do anything for their kids and you'll be willing to do anything for your child to have a healthy mom.
The funny thing about pregnancy is that once the baby is born, what appears to be bad now, may show up fine after birth. You women go through a ton of body changes during your gestations.


I am so sorry for your recent news. I have a oned month old, and my doctor has just informed me that the valve I received in july is leaking and needs to be replaced. It will be my third valve replacement before i am 30. I am scared to death because I really want to be a good father to my new son and to help out my wife. i can't imagine how difficult this must be for you pre birth and as the one who must carry the child. I hope that that you are able to focus on loving that baby while he/she is still inside, and draw much love and life from him/her. Babies are a miricle and I pray that yours continues to be healthy and that the remainder of your pregnancy goes well.
Glad you have decided to start posting. You have quite a story to tell and I am sure many will be able to benefit from your experiences and, hopefully, we can help you with some encouragement.

I have also had 3 surgeries and would be very depressed if told I needed a fourth. I have a couple of problems that may lead to a fourth but I am hopeful things will not progress. I am not sure I have a lot of words of wisdom about facing a fourth surgery other than the alternative is not acceptable.

I am very happy to hear of your baby. Considering your history, you are very lucky indeed to be a mama. I hope the remainder of your pregnancy goes very well. I will pray that the excitement and pleasure of your child will help to get you through surgery quickly and successfully. I will also pray that your surgery will not need to be immediately after your baby's birth and that you have significant time with your new family before you have to focus on your care.

Please feel free to vent as we will be happy to listen and respond.
Just my opinion

Just my opinion

but I think reliable and accurate diagnosis during pregnancy is difficult. Your blood volume doubles and I think its hard to tell what's up. Enhoy the remaining weeks of your 8.5 months I was otld that I had "severe" regurg and it resolved soon after my son was born. Now, almost 8 years later I am having surgery....

KristiinSD said:
but I think reliable and accurate diagnosis during pregnancy is difficult. Your blood volume doubles and I think its hard to tell what's up. Enhoy the remaining weeks of your 8.5 months I was otld that I had "severe" regurg and it resolved soon after my son was born. Now, almost 8 years later I am having surgery....

Your my case in point to my post above! ;)
Update on pregnancy

Update on pregnancy

I am now 28 weeks pregnant and doing fairly well. I have been getting echos done monthly, I have my next one scheduled for Dec. 1st. Now the doctors have decided that I might be able to have a vaginal delivery instead of a c-section. So far my heart is not enlarged or anything. So I pray things continue to go well. I will keep you posted. Lynette
Thank you so much for the update. I very happy for you that things are going well. Please keep us posted.
Lynette, that is great news. I hope your next echo is just as positive. Regardless of other things going on that little person is busy getting ready for his/her grand entrance and I'm sure you are looking forward to that with great anticipation. I'll keep your family in my prayers and will be looking for updates from you.

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