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Der Biermeister

I think I just figured out something. Both my cardiologist and my surgeon were quite suprised to find fairly significant LVH and drop in EF in my heart over the last 6 months.

Well -- on somethings I remember well. About 15 years ago my family doc, in looking for reasons for my high bp, had an echo done on my heart. There was a suspicion (maybe strong suspicion) that I had LVH at the time. He put me on an ACE inhibitor, for which I've stayed on all these years until this past Sept. The original drug was Zestoretic (Lisinopril along with a diuretic). Over the years I would go back and forth to a generic version depending on which health plan I was under.

Last September, after complaints from me of muscle aches -- and my being suspicious that it was due to the higher dose oif Lisinopril that my cardiologist was trying on me -- he took me off the stuff and instead replaced it with Cozaar (100 mg). Cozaar is not an ACE. It attacks bp from some other direction.

Anyway -- Right then in early Oct, a TEE showed my left ventricle and overall heart to be normal in size, and I was still pumping with a 60% EF.

Now - I have LVH and a much lower EF (40%). I am strongly suspecting the absense of an ACE and needless to say, I have a call into my surgeon.

For some of you that have a good understanding of these drugs -- please comment on my suspicions.
And of course -- as always -- thanks for the great help you all provide.
Hey DB! Absolutely I would suspect lack of an ACE inhibitor! I am no expert, but my mom had CHF issues after valve replacement last year. Finally she got an ACE inhibitor and her breathing improved tremendously. Her cardio said it should improve heart strength too-her EF was 25% last year before the ACE.:eek: ..can't wait to see how she does on her next echo. Hope it is better...but she definitely feels better. Woohoo! Good luck to you too...Deb:)