So very scared and nervous....

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Well-known member
Jul 1, 2003
NH-Further North
Hi gang,
Just need to vent a little....I went to see my PH specialist last week and he told me that the PH had resolved itself and that he thought that my SOB on exhertion and starting to kick in at rest, and my overall fatigue was most likely caused by Aortic Stenosis...I had been told after an echo about a year back that my aortic valve was calcified and at the time they told me not to worry about it....well now I am worried about it, as I was told by Dr. Wirth (PH Specialist) to get to the cardiologist and not pass go, do not collect 200.00....Could this mean that it may be time for me to have something done with my valves? I see the Doctor on Friday morning, as Dr. Wirth didn't want me to wait the 2 weeks...he said if he had it his way, I would have seen him the same day I saw him....I guess I thought that it would be a while before things happened, but now that they possibly are, I am really frightened about the possibility of having my chest cracked open...I absolutely can't stand it when a dr tells you to get into your cardiologist ASAP, but won't give you a reason as to why you need to go.....This on top of worrying about my father and his failing heart is making for a very stressful time......Sorry for venting, but thanks for listening....Harrybaby:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Are you sure there is no opportunity to get into your cardio before Friday? That way you won't have to keep worrying.
I would be just as frantic as you and would be in my cardio's face for an immediate appointment. OR - call your PCP back and insist he tell you what is bothering him. Tell him you can't get into the cardio before Friday unless you can imply an emergency. Maybe your PCP can call your cardio and explain the urgency.
We will get you through no matter what happens.
It doesn't rain but it pours....

It doesn't rain but it pours....

Like several of you told me when I was scared half to death right before surgery, stop... take a couple of deep breath... you only have 2 more days to wait until you see the cardiologist...As an expert on stress..:D I can tell you that it does not help anything to panic.
I am so sorry that you have this added problem after all the worry about your dad.I will keep praying.
Harry I am sorry that you have this added worry to all you have been through. It is sometimes the wondering what do they think that can drive me a little batty with worry. I think Geebees idea was a good one about asking what the problem is and can you talk directly to my cardiologist.

I will be praying for your situation. I hope you will have answers soon.
Hi Harry -

Hi Harry -

I guess I thought you had already had surgery. Shows how much I know!!

Anyway, as someone has already said, take a deep breath or two or three AND think of those of us here on who have made it through the surgery. Goodness sakes, there are runners on this site - running with mechanical valves and repairs, etc. That just amazes me!

You have a right to be scared and I was too, but not as scared as I am now ironically - the surgery had to be done, I knew it and I went for it.

I was so happy to hear that your pulmonary hypertension has resolved itself - that is wonderful - and with surgery it will likely not rear its head again.

Harry, you are a great guy and I know you are strong enough to get through whatever you need to.

I feel bad that your dad is going through a rough time at the same time also. When it rains it pours, it seems. You can BOTH lean on one another - how about that?? :)

You're gonna be fine - truly you are. Your problems are fixable and the surgeons will do just that - fix you up so you can keep on enjoying life.

Christina L

You know you are not alone in this. With the family you've got here and the good Lord above, you will get through this. Prayers and good thoughts are continuing your way for you, your Dad, and the family that will have to walk with you through this. Sounds like its time, my friend.

May God Bless,

Hi Harry....
I've been reading your posts for a while now and you seem like such a kind guy. If it is time to have your surgery, just KNOW how much better you will feel once you're on the other side of the mountain. I will be praying that you find the calm inside .... and for your Dad too.

By the way, when I had a new cardio checkup last week, the tech asked if I knew many people born on June 17th (wasn't his bday mind you). I also thought you'd had your surgery so when looking on your public profile, guess what I found?? We share the same birthday! I just thought that was a neat coicidence. My new birthday friend to share with, listen to, and pray for. :eek:
I second that!

I second that!

geebee said:
Are you sure there is no opportunity to get into your cardio before Friday? That way you won't have to keep worrying.
I would be just as frantic as you and would be in my cardio's face for an immediate appointment. OR - call your PCP back and insist he tell you what is bothering him. Tell him you can't get into the cardio before Friday unless you can imply an emergency. Maybe your PCP can call your cardio and explain the urgency. We will get you through no matter what happens.

I second Gina, Harry. Other than that, you know you can count on our love and prayers. Sometimes, life is just too much. Hugs. Janet
Harrybaby666 said:
Hi gang,
Just need to vent a little....I went to see my PH specialist last week and he told me that the PH had resolved itself and that he thought that my SOB on exhertion and starting to kick in at rest, and my overall fatigue was most likely caused by Aortic Stenosis...I had been told after an echo about a year back that my aortic valve was calcified and at the time they told me not to worry about it....well now I am worried about it, as I was told by Dr. Wirth (PH Specialist) to get to the cardiologist and not pass go, do not collect 200.00....Could this mean that it may be time for me to have something done with my valves? I see the Doctor on Friday morning, as Dr. Wirth didn't want me to wait the 2 weeks...he said if he had it his way, I would have seen him the same day I saw him....I guess I thought that it would be a while before things happened, but now that they possibly are, I am really frightened about the possibility of having my chest cracked open...I absolutely can't stand it when a dr tells you to get into your cardiologist ASAP, but won't give you a reason as to why you need to go.....This on top of worrying about my father and his failing heart is making for a very stressful time......Sorry for venting, but thanks for listening....Harrybaby:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Iknow what you are going through im going through the same with my daughter one doctor says it just stress and my friend just had he;s wife down to cleveland clinic and mentioned my daughter systoms and he want all her results faxed to him asap have you ever had a spell where your body gets really hot and then shakey thanks for listening and good luck
Oh My Heavens.......A birthday Bud....LOL

Oh My Heavens.......A birthday Bud....LOL

Ann L said:
Hi Harry....
I've been reading your posts for a while now and you seem like such a kind guy. If it is time to have your surgery, just KNOW how much better you will feel once you're on the other side of the mountain. I will be praying that you find the calm inside .... and for your Dad too.

By the way, when I had a new cardio checkup last week, the tech asked if I knew many people born on June 17th (wasn't his bday mind you). I also thought you'd had your surgery so when looking on your public profile, guess what I found?? We share the same birthday! I just thought that was a neat coicidence. My new birthday friend to share with, listen to, and pray for. :eek:

That is a cool day to have for a birthday isn't it? LOL I always looked forward to getting out of school for the summer right before our birthday.....this year, I am kind of dreading it though, as I turn the big 40.......yikes.... Thanks for your encouraging words....I just hope the cardio makes the right decision....Harrybaby:D :D :D
It's funny that you mention that Ohiosweetheart....

It's funny that you mention that Ohiosweetheart....

Ohiosweetheart16 said:
Iknow what you are going through im going through the same with my daughter one doctor says it just stress and my friend just had he;s wife down to cleveland clinic and mentioned my daughter systoms and he want all her results faxed to him asap have you ever had a spell where your body gets really hot and then shakey thanks for listening and good luck

If I have over done it, I do start to get some tremors but very rarely, I do get really clammy and pale and sweaty though.....not to mention I have been getting light headed a bit more frequently.....Thanks for the support...Harrybaby:D :D
Christina L said:
I guess I thought you had already had surgery. Shows how much I know!!

Anyway, as someone has already said, take a deep breath or two or three AND think of those of us here on who have made it through the surgery. Goodness sakes, there are runners on this site - running with mechanical valves and repairs, etc. That just amazes me!

You have a right to be scared and I was too, but not as scared as I am now ironically - the surgery had to be done, I knew it and I went for it.

I was so happy to hear that your pulmonary hypertension has resolved itself - that is wonderful - and with surgery it will likely not rear its head again.

Harry, you are a great guy and I know you are strong enough to get through whatever you need to.

I feel bad that your dad is going through a rough time at the same time also. When it rains it pours, it seems. You can BOTH lean on one another - how about that?? :)

You're gonna be fine - truly you are. Your problems are fixable and the surgeons will do just that - fix you up so you can keep on enjoying life.

Christina L

I think my father and I are actually leaning on each other for support, but it's just so darn hard to accept the fact that the doc's can't do anything more for my father, and that it's a matter of time.....I just hope that the cardio doesn't say the same thing to me like they have my father....I am thinking that if they only took care of the valve issues, that maybe my heart would work better, and I agree with alot of others on this website, when they say that they feel that the cardio's wait too long when they fix the valves.......Thanks Christina for your wonderful words....I really hope things will be better soon....Harrybaby:D :D :D
If you can get in sooner, you should try to arrange it.
I bet your stress levels are just pushing your overall condition beyond what is healthful. I don't know the answer to reducing your stress, but please remember that you have support and prayers from me.:)
Harry, just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and am sorry that you're having to go through all this. I know this can be scary. I agree with others that I would call Dr. Wirth and see if he can call your cardio and get you in sooner than Friday. I know doctors do favors for each other like this. (I worked in a pediatricians' office). It's certainly worth a try. I know how you feel...when you're worried, you want something done about the problem sooner rather than yesterday. If all else fails, and you have to wait until Friday, then we'll talk you through the next 48 hours. Most of us here have already had OHS so we can truthfully say that we know how you feel. I will be keeping you in my prayers. LINDA

I am sorry to hear about the urgency in the doctor's advice to get to the cardiologist. Surgery is a hard thing to face, especially this kind of surgery.

On the other hand, you have been feeling terrible for a long, long time and have been looking for a way to feel better, and this is the opportunity.

Try to think of it as solving some of the worst problems for you. I am glad your PH has resolved, that a good thing, now, on to fix up that pesky heart.
I'm sorry for the anxiety you're getting over the urgency of your cardio appointment; hope you get in soon and get a quick and accurate diagnosis. I'm with Robhol (Bob), you sure seem to be a good guy and we feel like your friends/family. Hope all goes well!

If I were inclined to be jealous, I'd be jealous of your distinct honor to share Mama Ann's birthday. She's such a delight isn't she? Right up there with our other mamas, i.e., Bonnie, Nancy, etc.
Oh Harry! Sweet Harry. You're one of the nicest guys on the planet as far as I can tell!! This is a lot of stuff to have on your plate all at once. But you have to blunder through it all.

I know the news about your dad wasn't what anyone had hoped. I am going through similar things with my dad, but they are all about his increasing dementia or worsening short term memory. They found a very high sedimentation in his blood which speaks of some inflammation. We cannot find what it is as he never complains of much. All blood tests came through negative (no cancers, no specific anything....healthy as a horse). But he's always asleep, or almost, and I know he is slowly leaving me. It couldn't happen at a worse time! He is my best friend in the world. But there's never a good time to think of someone leaving you. It just is what it is.

Do you need anything to help you relax through all this? I always turn to breathing carefully. Oxygenating the blood.....restoring things. I breathe to a visual image of a pyramid. Slow breath in from the left base to the top. Slow breath out from the top down to the right. Then wait as you go from the right base back to the left base and start again. Not monster breaths (don't pass out on me!!), just calculated ones, ones I concentrate on to try to help myself relax. I actually visualize our Mt. Hood. I don't have any photos of her on this computer.....I'll find you one. "She" isn't always "out" (hiding in the clouds alot), but there are dozens of viewpoints from this hilltop where I live, and she helps me through everything.

I also drink more water when I'm stressed. It truly acts as a kind of cleansing. Helps the mind, too.

Friday is just afew days away. Wishing you the very best news!

Harry...Sorry to hear that things aren't going too well for you. Hopefully your Cardio will be able to help. As your appointment is on St Patrick's Day, I will send you "Cead Mile Failte" ( A thousand blessings ) that all goes well :)

Please let us know how you get on. Take Care.
