sleep and breathing issues

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I was just wondering if anyone could give me any help with 2 questions. 1 being anyone here with Lung problems do you find you have more problems with breathing when you are tired? - I seem to have alot of episodes of labored breathing lately and at most times am also extremely tired!

Anyone here with sleep problems have any experience with also taking an anti depressant? Am most probably going to do a trial run on a anti-depressant but doing research on ones that are ok with restless leg syndrome and PLMD and won't aggravate it.

See my Electrophysiologist on Tuesday will update later in the day!
Sleep problems, of course not, I'm always up at 4AM surfing the 'net...
Had a lot of probs lately sleeping. Not on any meds other than Coumadin and Centrum Silvers, so not quite sure what's going on with me. Had my annual physical with my PCP last week and he didn't find anything, so who knows...maybe stress, old age, whatever...

Seriously, I was exhibiting symptoms of congestive heart failure in the nine months prior to my surgery and had a lot of problems sleeping due to fluid build up in my lungs. Had to sleep sitting up for several months.

Also suffered from chronic fatique and severe shortness of breath. Even minor exertion would completely wipe me out. Just could not get enough oxygen. I could barely function in the last few weeks before my surgery. I never quite passed out, but I remember several times when I had to excuse myself from meetings, go into my office and lay my head on my desk for twenty minutes or so until I could pull myself together again.

I Do!!!! I Do!!!! LOL

I Do!!!! I Do!!!! LOL

Morning Erica,

I have all kinds of breathing trouble, and yes, I do have more trouble with my lung diseases if I don't get enough sleep. I also suffer from Sleep Apnea, and this is where I stop breathing 82 times an hour and I have to sleep with a cpap (constant positive air pressure) machine to keep the flap in my throat open so that I can breath and not die suddenly in the night.

As for the anti depressant, no, I haven't had any trouble with those and my lung/breathing problems. Take Care, Harrybaby666 :D :D :D


Hi Rachel,
Thank you for the information. My Lung Dr actually did order a Ferritine level and started me on a multi - vitamin with Iron and I am to let ehr know in a few weeks time if thishas helped as wel as the Neurontin. When I see her again in May or is it June she already has told me she wants to run another Ferritine level before the appt. to decide if we should go on full blown iron as she is leery about that.
Thanks for the information about RLS. I have been having trouble for yrs. Now that I have changed PCP she doesn't want to give me the klonpin that the other DR. ordered. I have neurton long time ago and it didn't help. My PCP is on vacation but soon as she gets back I am going to ask that she check his level. I have always had trouble with my iron. Before OHS I had to have iron infison. For two months before the surgery.

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