Hi there, its been a few months since I posted anything and again am asking for some help from everyone. Again, this has been a lifesaver for me.
Am feeling good except the past couple weeks have had some tightness and pressure in my chest. It is not all the time and does not keep me from sleeping or doing anything. Also have had some rubbing or rales behind where my ribs are and where my chest tube incision was, sometimes a little pain here and there. Feel sure it is not a heart attack as my post op cath was clean. Also had my carotids scanned about six weeks ago due to some strange sensations in my neck. Dont think is is CHF or anything because I do not have swelling in my feet, sometimes it is hard to get my rings off at night, but have always had that to a certain extent. Still have my energy level and feel good except for this. Sometimes it is around my scar area, sometimes in the middle of my chest. I know alot of this comes with having your chest cracked, but I had minimally invasive but did have CHF and heart rate problems after. I had alot of upper shoulder pain after surgery, but I also have two harrington rods and my lower back is fused so it was really uncomfortable after surgery. Most of that has gone away. Currently not on any meds except aspirin and I usually forget to take that. Heart rate still gets in the upper 90s sometimes and my BP gets a little low but for the most part all ok. Anyway, just feeling a little discouraged and wanted to know if anyone had experienced anything like this. Sometimes it only hurts when I take a really deep breath. I would like to think it is just part of the healing process but would appreciate any input you can provide! Thanks to everyone out there for the help!!!!
Am feeling good except the past couple weeks have had some tightness and pressure in my chest. It is not all the time and does not keep me from sleeping or doing anything. Also have had some rubbing or rales behind where my ribs are and where my chest tube incision was, sometimes a little pain here and there. Feel sure it is not a heart attack as my post op cath was clean. Also had my carotids scanned about six weeks ago due to some strange sensations in my neck. Dont think is is CHF or anything because I do not have swelling in my feet, sometimes it is hard to get my rings off at night, but have always had that to a certain extent. Still have my energy level and feel good except for this. Sometimes it is around my scar area, sometimes in the middle of my chest. I know alot of this comes with having your chest cracked, but I had minimally invasive but did have CHF and heart rate problems after. I had alot of upper shoulder pain after surgery, but I also have two harrington rods and my lower back is fused so it was really uncomfortable after surgery. Most of that has gone away. Currently not on any meds except aspirin and I usually forget to take that. Heart rate still gets in the upper 90s sometimes and my BP gets a little low but for the most part all ok. Anyway, just feeling a little discouraged and wanted to know if anyone had experienced anything like this. Sometimes it only hurts when I take a really deep breath. I would like to think it is just part of the healing process but would appreciate any input you can provide! Thanks to everyone out there for the help!!!!