So the ER did blood work and an EKG and that all came back normal, although my INR was 2.28 (target is 2.5 - 3.5) which was kind of weird since I had just home tested last Thursday and it was 3.1. They are attributing the symptoms ( dry cough, light-headedness/ dizziness) to perhaps a minor infection, so they put me on a 5 day course of anti-bitotics. I still feel crappy and it bothers me. I already had a 6 month check scheduled with my cardio for next Tuesday. I'm calling his office to see if they want to try and get an echo done before that.
I still have the high b.p. that is somewhat controlled with a low dose of Lisinopril, and an elevated heart rate that is somewhat controlled by atenolol. All these things went higher then my normal about 2 months after surgery. My doc told me this stuff is the body's way of reacting to the surgery and should go back to normal. Question I keep wondering is, how long before we say something is not right. Sometimes I get worried when I'm driving my kids or being left alone with the youngest one, that something is going to happen. I'm supposed to go to Solon, Ohio in two weeks for work, and now that's worrying me because I won't have any car access there.
Sorry for ranting. Gonna go in the corner and assume the fetal postition now and wish for happy days again.