Signature information

Valve Replacement Forums

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Just a reminder to all that it would be really helpful if everyone could put a bit of information in their Signature that lets other readers know a bit more about your valve issue.

For example
Type of valve replacement/repair and kind- i.e. mitral, aortic,... bovine, porcine, mechanical.....
Date of surgery
Age or birth date
If you are on warfarin - do you home test? self dose?

I realize that people are reticent to put any private information in a public forum, but this type of information shouldn't jeopardize your privacy and it really helps those reading your posts to know where you're "coming from", particularly if you have a question specific to your own health.

I've been thinking the same's hard to be helpful if we all don't know what kind of heart problem or surgery there is.

Instructions for the computer challenged:
Scroll up to the top of this post and look at the blue bar with headings.
Click on User CP
then look at the left side list and halfway down click on Edit Signature.

Another hint, don't make the signature too long and elaborate.....Karlynn and I don't like to scroll down alot. Ha Ha
I understand the benefit to readers / contributors.

SOME members have concerns about the Non-Members who read our Forums and what they may do with "Personal Information".
Thing is, if you don't want someone to know something about you, being on the internet period is not a bright idea. You can track down anything about anyone that posts anywhere.
Really, Ross is right. You never know who is reading what.

I used to have my doctors' names on my siggy. But then I went to a certain doctor's office and found out she'd been reading my forum posts, probably discovered via googling her own name! That gave me pause, considering some of the less than flattering (though absolutely accurate) things I (and others) have said about the staff at this particular practice....

I admit to bit of concern that certain family members from whom I am estranged, and who know nothing about my medical condition, are stalking me on the internet. Fortunately, I don't think they're that bright.:p
They are, however, that crazy, which is why I no longer deal with them. Pat, are you reading this?????:D
GEEEEZ testing 1 2 3 see if it worked for me tried before and
i botched it so we will see now if i have nothing LOL