should I fire my cardio??

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I will probably end up in the hospital for a flare up of CHF since my 'new' cardio who thinks he is GOD had me D/C all my meds the other I have gained 18 lbs of fluid....I have 4+ pitting edema...and since I am having fluid in my chest...I have palpitations....(that isn't including the palpitations and problems I have been having since my heart meds were D/C'd along side my diuretics....having trouble breathing while laying down....but now I am having problems just sitting...not just moving general doctor put me back on my meds....but he is wondering if it is too late...need to get IV Lasix in me...(wish I could bill that cardio my hospital bill.... :mad: )
Good grief!!! Whatever was he thinking of?

Having helped my husband through many, many episodes of CHF instability, we would NEVER allow a gain of 18 pounds. Joe would be in the ER as soon as I could throw some clothes on him. So, I'm hoping by now that you are either in the hospital or on the way. IV Lasix sounds like the only way to go at this point, and getting yourself on a heart monitor in a hospital bed.

Take care of the problem you are having first (and without the services of your current cardio) and then decide what to do.

Keep yourself safe, please.
I think I would be looking for a replacement.I had to do that with my husband , he has ph, and they had put him on lasix, without potassium.. :eek: , I didnt know the dangers until it nearly killed him :mad: ,his electrolytes were so bad ,he stayed in hospital 5 days , we have never seen this dr again... and good riddens too! He wouldnt even come and see John in the hospital.. :mad: the coward!!Yes find a new one and soon, dont wait. Love the pup



Why would your cardio D/C all your meds? That sounds like a major red flag!! i hope right now you are at the er recieving some good iv lasix!! I have had to go a few times to "kick in" my lasix a little cause i could feel swelling around my neck, and i knew i was filling up with fluid.

I must admit if my doc told me to stop all my meds i would be sooo excited (but only for a day or two) as i know that i would feel aweful after day 2. SO i hope that you are feeling much better while back on your meds. I would also be asking a lot of questions to why he thought you could handle being off those meds!!

Hope you are fluid free soon!!

Diesel :D
Likewise - what were the reasons? I have never heard of a doctor stopping ALL meds and "just like that".

This guy needs to answer some serious questions.
He D/C'd my meds because he thinks I have nothing wrong with my heart...just the MVR...when I asked him to call my GP or the cardios in Ia
City...he said he didn't need to...he could tell just by looking at me that there was nothing wrong...and the reason why it got this bad....18 lbs of because my hubby is a sweet man...but ignorant when it comes to certain things....he thought...let's try his way...(although he was upset about the cardio getting rid all of my meds)...he had this attitude...if I 'crash' then he could visit with the cardio....problem was....when I told Steve that I was taking on fluid...(sounds like the titanic... :eek: :eek: :p )....he told me....give it more time....I finally had to give a holler to get his is getting hard for me to breathe so short of breath...even just sitting doing nothing...I get short winded just talking...but even if I wanted to go to the ER would have to wait till hubby got home...I have the baby and no car......and my GP put me back on all my meds....but he thinks that it is too late for oral meds....something about too much fluid in the cells that they can't absorb the lasix...can't get it in the blood supply may have to get an IV....I am not in the hospital hubby thinks that if I put my feet may work then.... :D ...I love him...but there are days.....
I agree with your GP. You are flirting with danger. Get to the ER and do it soon. Call your GP first and tell him that you are going so he can have things ready for you.

Shortness of breath when just talking or not doing much at all can be signs of Class 4 heart failure. You really, really need to be evaluated by a doc in the ER.

You need to take care of yourself, especially with a small one to care for.

This is not something to fool around with, please be cautious! "Crashing" when in congestive heart failure might have very, very serious consequences.
I will agree with Nancy. You need to take steps to begin reversing this quickly. I don't think that just going back on your meds or added Lasix is a quick enough reverse for you. As far as spouses and significant others in denial. Welcome to the club. They just don't want anything to be wrong with us and think that if they treat it casually, it will go away.

This cardiologist should not be referring to himself as a cardiologist if he says that your Mitral Valve wouldn't be causing these things. He needs to be reported to the medical board. But get yourself back on track first.
Nancy said:
I agree with your GP. You are flirting with danger. Get to the ER and do it soon. Call your GP first and tell him that you are going so he can have things ready for you.

Shortness of breath when just talking or not doing much at all can be signs of Class 4 heart failure. You really, really need to be evaluated by a doc in the ER.

You need to take care of yourself, especially with a small one to care for.

This is not something to fool around with, please be cautious! "Crashing" when in congestive heart failure might have very, very serious consequences.

Please go now, insist upon it to your husband, no one knows your body better than you do. And CHF complications can come on very quickly and unexpectedly. Tell your husband we don't think he wants to come and find y ou passed out on the kitchen floor.
My patient yesterday who got the adenosine--coded at 0600 this morning and is in SEVERE heart failure. Just that quick.
It's shocking that anyone with an MD would have you discontinue all of your medications at once, and not even wean you off of any of them.

Get yourself better, then deep-six this creep. You might follow up, as Karlynn suggests. I know I would have an urge to show up at his office with the ER bill.

Best wishes,

I know from first hand experience that there's a point where oral diuretics no longer have an effect on the human body and fluid retention....

When you get to that point, you go into kidney failure, maybe liver failure and all kinds of other really bad things. Your body starts shutting down.

"GET THEE TO AN ER!" to abuse a Shakespearian quote.

Worry about what to do about the cardio later. You got a GP who seems to be on the ball, trust in that for the moment and TELL the ER docs that you do not want your (about to be former) cardio consulted, he's the one who took you off the meds and put you in the ER!!!!


My mother, who had Rhuematoid arthritis, was taken off meds, including aprin for pain. It is horrible when a doctor does this without thinking about the consiquences. I hope you find another cardio quick, you are heading into troubled waters, risking CHF. Hope you get one quickly. Good luck. My prayers are with you.
Sent the idiot your ER bill and fire the dumb *&$# !!!! Any doctor that claims he knows whats wrong with you just looking at you needs his licence taken away. Hope you get to better let us know.....FAYE

I just looked at your profile, that's some cardiac and pulmonary medical history, very involved.

My husband has PH also along with his CHF and many other things, and those with PH do have a very hard time with fluid retention, above and beyond the normal CHF.

When I saw your long and involved history, I was floored that your cardiologist had such a cavalier attitude regarding ditching your meds, and pronouncing you OK. Lasix should never have been removed from your regimen, not to mention all the other meds. It's unprofessional and dangerous.

I hope the fact that we haven't heard any more from you means that you are getting help.

Have you ever visited the Pulmonary Hypertension Assoc. website? Here's a link for the boards there, also go to the main page and look around there.

Did you know that there are many wonderful meds now for PH? My husband is on Tracleer, it has made all the difference for him.

Please let us know how you are.

First, I can't say it any better than Nancy or anyone else has ...

But speaking from experience, yes, I think you should seek another cardiologist. Doctors are human but even less so with women. You're young, too. That's two strikes against getting an unbiased opinion.

It's going to take another generation before Cardiology catches up with diagnosing and treating female patients. Until then, be assertive in your care, don't expect your spouse to provide the kind of support that you would give to him under the same circumstances, and know that you have the support of many "unseen" faces who are eager to know how you are doing.

Get Well!

Get Well!


First, I pray that you are getting good medical care right now to correct the problems caused by the cardio's incredible directive to discontinue all your meds. Like others here, I have struggled to understand why he would do such a thing. You don't have to be a medical expert to understand the danger of stopping cold turkey these powerful medicines that we take. Any changes would be phased in gradually (or one med replaced with another), not made precipitously.

I hadn't thought about it but Kim C's suggestion is as plausible as any. Overall cardios may not be as attuned to the needs of women as to those of men. However, I am sure that individually there are many who are wonderful physicians to all. There ought to be ways to get a recommendation of an excellent new one for you. But first please get well, and let us know how you do.

All best wishes,

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dittoing(word?) what all have said, this is dangerous!! Please let us know..