Should I be in the hospital?

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Barbara Stewart

I think I've mentioned that I'm having atrial fibrillation, irregular heartbeat and a low heart rate. :eek: I guess my bp is finally being controlled by clonidine, but it seems that my other symptoms are getting worse. I went to the grocery store this afternoon and was slightly dizzy the whole time I was walking. In addition to that I was SOB. Before my first surgery I used to get this funny sensation in my right ear, kind of like an ocular migraine, only with my hearing. I'm having that again without much exertion. I have spots in my vision from a small amount of exertion, which is very often.
My appointment with th EP isn't until a week from tomorrow (Monday) and I'm unsure what I should be doing until then? Needless to say, I'm useless at doing anything right now and my poor, long suffering husband is terribly worried; so am I. I'm starting to get angry. :mad: I read here how so many of your health is so much better and my health just keeps declining. I'm really beginning to ask myself if the rest of my life is going to be like this, a partial invalid.:( To say the least, I'm bored out of my mind; I can't even exercise!
Back to my original question. Should I be in the hospital? I keep worrying that I'm going to have a heart attack or a stroke. I'm taking my 81 mg of aspirin religiously every morning. I'd sure appreciate some input.
Don't know that I have the right answer, but if I was having problems, didn't know what was causing them or what's going on, I'd head straight to the Urgent Care Center or ER. At worst, I'd wait until the first thing in the morning, call my card and demand an immediate appointment. I don't think that this is anything to mess around with.

BTW, I'm not up to date on a lot of abbreviations, what is SOB? (I don't think it's what I'm used to hearing....;) )
I am concerned about your symptoms. Prior to Joe getting his pacemaker, he was fainting, and those faints were dangerous. He dislocated his jaw with one and just missed the sharp corner of a table. Another one, he took out the TV and almost the plate glass window. Another one he fell on a large sprinkler in the yard and almost gored his spleen.

It would have been dangerous for him to drive with that going on, and even crossing the street or going down stairs with that going on would have been a catastrophy.

I don't know how close you feel to fainting, but it could come without warning.

I witnessed all of Joe's faints. He fell like a tree in the forest, with no warning and no braking the fall. I was too far away to do anything to help him.

I think you should call the doctor and see about moving your appt. up and lay low for now and be very careful.
Barbara, some of the things you are reporting could be down to stress, slightly dizzy and lightheaded, SOB - I have both and they are definitely worse when I get stressed. I am not suggesting that this is the problem, only that they can be made worse with anxiety.
Barbara, I think if things are noticeably different or worse you should call your doctor (cardiologist, since I imagine he/she's the one who's hooked you up with the EP). Your card may want to do additional diagnostics and get you in sooner to the EP. There is also the possibility that your new med is causing unpleasant side-effects. Of course, I'm only going by what my mom went through, but it took a long time to get her on a set of meds that worked. I'm glad your BP has settled down at least. :eek: And thanks for keeping us updated--I was wondering how you were doing and when the EP appt. was.
Just wondering if your BP was too low while you were shopping?

Don't ever hesitate to call your doctor, particularly when you are experiencing things that scare you.

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