Should I be concerned?

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I have my records from my pulminologist: It states On June of this year my ekgs (2) are abnormal:left atrial enlargement,ST-T abnormalities ,prolonged QT...
Also have record on day of attack,(last April) South Baldwin:ejection f at 56-78,(now its 50)..severe puliminary artery pressures (#'s 60-65): and mild + 1 tricuspid regugitation. Should I be concerned?
Especially since the June , had abnormalities?
Also wedge pressure 20, drs never have metioned my tricuspid, have never mentioned pulminary pressures, only that I have emphysema.. should I be concerned?
I really do not want to go unless pushed .. :D Thanks, if Im not on anytime ..we are going remote dsl..some problems with the router.. working the kinks out.. hope everyone is ok, :) love the yap
As for the significance of all that, I'm unsure, but your certainly far from healthy. I think I'd be worried. Discuss this with your Doctors and don't leave till your satisfied with the answers.
Thankyou Ross

Thankyou Ross

Im just a tad perturbed.. :mad: Why wouldnt they say anything to me?
The enlarged left atrial may be from my faulty mitral, would the st judes help?
But the pa pressures???? Never heard a word of that, the emphysema cause? Or heart? Im so lost..not going to look at my own records anymore, I just get angry.
If they cant help me I would really like to know..I have a family ..would need to prepare for the 'whatevers' that may happen, I so value all of your opinions on this , because its thrown me for loop.
Abnormal ekg's ..ok..perhaps its damage from attack? Im typing outloud.. :D forgive me.. Yaps
I don't think it's anything to go off the deep end about, but those are multiple problems, with most likely, multiple causes. I wouldn't want to try to interpret the results myself. That's best left to the pros.
Would you rather have a spanking instead?

I feel you need to take each one of the noted abnormalities and speak with the doctor about them all one by one. My husband has high pulmonary pressures also, but he has pulmonary hypertension, also severe tricuspid regurg. He is on Tracleer for his pulmonary hypertension.

There are things for each of your problems that can be done to make it better for you, also you may need more definitive testing to rule in or out several things.

Do not leave your doctor's office until you get some answers and a direction to go for each of the abnormalities. Be proactive.

I agree with Ross, don't go off the deep end, just be insistent about getting answers.

Joe had high pulmonary pressures for several years before anyone mentioned it. I don't have a clue why, but I know this is a common thing to NOT mention to patients.
Its crazy..

Its crazy..

My husband has ph, THEY know I can handle this... Ive been taking care of John all these years with his ph..grrrrr, Im going to get the dr.. grr, now im just extremely curious as to what else they may not be telling me.
And its 3 different groups, some transpired last year when I had the ohs,
Now I really do see why they said appy for disabilty.. but i guess its taking SEEING it on paper to do it.
I'll be ok, I promise.. but if I do decide to spank my drs..Ross you are invited to the occasion.. :D


You are right but it depends on who is doing them. :D


Ross said:

Ross, I thought you were suppose to behave today! I go back to school, and
all of a sudden you're on a spanking kick!

I know you've seen this one before, but it's appropriate.
Sometimes the prolonged Q-T is a side effect of certain cardiac meds. I have a very prolonged Q-T from the high dose of flecainide I take. The enlarged left atrium may get a little better with your valve replacement so that may not be so much of a problem either. The pulmonary pressures are another issue. You need some answers there about what is going on and what the plan of treatment is to be. I have mild pulmonary hypertension and my wedge pressure was about 20. I really don't know if your emphysema would be totally responsible for your high pressures or not. I do know you need some answers.

You deserve to know what is happening and if they don't "know" then ask them to give you their "educated guesses". Please let us know what you find out.


the dr..they are pulling down my records...and will call me back.. even helped them by giving date; place; and attending phy,(who is no longer with them), will keep you updated.. but I am going to get several copies of this echo made. Do not want anything getting lost in my ss shuffle. Love Yaps