Well-known member
It's been a while since I posted, but here's a brief update/concern I have, and would like to know if any of you have experienced this....
Briefly, I have MVP/MVR (resulting from a heart attack at birth). Had a TEE one year ago to see if my MV needed replacement; cardiologist said not yet. Four months ago I was diagnosed with V-Tach (non-life threatening). Been on 50 mg/day of atenolol since 1999, but was off it for eight weeks recently. Had an EP study to possibly ablate the cells causing my V-Tach, but since the arrythmia was not dangerous, according to the EP doctor, no ablation was needed.
Now...I saw my cardiologist two weeks ago and we discussed my EP study. He said there was no need for me to continue any heart meds since the atenolol wasn't working that effectively anyway. A few days after that, he called to tell me to resume taking atenolol at 25/mg a day, so I did.
In recent years I've been aware of my heartbeat (PVCs and all) and am often short of breath. Yesterday during lunch period (I am a teacher) I felt as if someone was sitting on my chest, I was short of breath, and my right arm felt numb. I should also mention that my right foot had been swollen all week last week, at one point, too swollen to get my shoes on. I called my cardiologist's office and the receptionist told me to go to the ER. So I called the secretary at work to tell her I needed my class covered. She called 911, my principal rushed to my aid and the paramedics came. They gave me nitro and baby aspirin, took an EKG as I'm lying on the floor of my classroom, and said that I had elevated PVCs.
I was then taken to a nearby hospital, where I had several tests run, but everything checked out fine (no heart attack) save for some PVCs. On the EKG done in the hospital, it says "Possible atrial enlargement." However, the doctor there told me not to worry, that people in my case often have these symptoms, but they are not indicative of a heart attack or that there is anything severely wrong with my valve.
Now in order to be allowed back at work (thankfully spring break starts tomorrow), my principal said I need clearance from my cardio. I have an appointment Tuesday. Should I be concerned about this event? I know that I will eventually need a valve replacement, and my cardio assures me that I won't need one for a long time...but I'm concerned about having future symptoms like the ones I had yesterday, and that my valve may be worsening. I did pick up a prescription for nitro from the ER doctor today, so I have that on hand next time I have chest pains. But I don't like feeling this way, and I hope I'm not making mountains out of molehills.
Thank you in advance for your replies!
Debster913 (Debi)