shortness of breath

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I have had quite a bit of trouble after surgery. I feel good other than the shortness of breath. I have had fluid around my lungs and had that taken off in Nov. And then hosptilize Dec 26th for a week to take more fluid off. After all this the breathing has not gotten better. I seen a lung Doctor and he said I had Broctidus and put me on medication . After couple of weeks no better. Now I have appointment with a ear,nose,throat doctor Monday. Has any one had this much trouble after surgery? I did not have trouble breathing before surgery and was in good health other than the valve. I was in ICU for 12 days and on a ventialtor for 11 days. I hope some one might give me some hope and to keep me in there Thoughts and prayers for Mondays appointment. Thanks for your help and time :)
I will keep you in my prayers but I can't help otherwise. Just keep after the doctor's. Remember the "squeaky wheel syndrome".
Hi...i shall keep you in my thoughts and prayers for monday...
i too have had SOB for longer than I care to recall and I am pre-surgery...

defiantely time to get you sorted out properly its no fun being puffed .,

goodluck Monday.