Short of breath

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2006
Jersey, Channel Islands (British Isles)
It seems to me that this is becoming worse and is apparent to other people. Today I was talking to my daughter on the phone and she was quite concerned as I sounded SOB to her and has told me I must see a doctor tomorrow. My resting HR is around 85 most of the time, occasionally in mid 70s. If I climb a flight of 13 stairs it will be up to about 110.

It is just over sixteen months since my OHS. On Tuesday I was with a nurse friend and had to climb several flights of stairs in the carpark as the lift was out of action. She said by the second flight I was noticable puffing and by the fourth floor I was virtually gasping. I hadn't really noticed as I have been SOB for ages and was putting it down to stress.

Also for the past few days I have had some nausea and my blood sugar is far higher than the way that I feel, I feel that it is low and I ought to eat something but in fact it is far too high but not dangerously so.

Endocarditis again I can do without.
HI Sue......

HI Sue......

Hi Sue, So sorry to hear that your unwell. It looks like you better get yourself off to see your gp first thing tomorrow. No point leaving things. Nip it in the bud, ( if there is something to nip ) hopefully its nothing much but better safe than sorry. You could be fighting a virus or something, at this time of year. I hope it all works out well for you. I will say a prayer for you tonight. 8)
Can only ditto that, Sue- best to check it out with cardio tomorrow!
From One Kidney Stoner To Another......

From One Kidney Stoner To Another......


I hope you get it checked out and are feeling better very rapidly, as I know what the SOB feels like and it's not a fun feeling....Hope you get to feeling better...Harrybaby:D :D :D :D
I agree with the others. I hope tha tyou have checked it out - and all is well.
Looking forward to good news!!
GP examined me, not mine as he has the day off. This one was thorough and gave me a second diurectic. Says if my heart rate isn't lower by Thursday then an urgent appointment needs to be made for me to see the cardiologist as I might need beta blockers and ought not be prescribed them without the cardiologist checking me out.

I was going to see my own GP on Thursday for a flu shot so have cancelled that appointment and made a longer appointment. My six month check is due and I have been waiting for the phone call to tell me if my own cardiologist will be over within the next month, if he isn't then I need to change to the new one who would have been my permanent one as from January anyway. I had wanted to see the current one a final time to thank him for his care - it might have to be by Christmas card instead.
Glad you are on the road to discovering the problem Sue and I hope you feel better soon!
HI Sue......

HI Sue......

HI Sue, Im glad to see you have discovered what is going on and are getting looked after. I was thinking of you thismorning !! I have taken a beta blocker for years, without it my heart would be all over the place 8). Keep us posted.
Sue - hope things work out and the meds will help. You are in my thoughts!!
Hi Sue, hope that the additional diuretic is helping you feel better and less SOB. Let us know how you are doing with your heart rate!

Take care,
As I am a kidney stone former I have to drink a minimum of 3 litres of fluid each day - leaving the house is not fun. :)

I will be seeing my own doctor on Thursday and he can decide whether it is 'urgent cadiologist' or to wait for a few weeks until my six month check is due.
Hang in there.........

Hang in there.........

*Hang in there Sue*....thinking of you and I will send a prayer your way tonight.

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