Short of breath cartoons

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Thank you Nancy!!!
Oh Nancy I like these , am posting this link to some who have ph..thanks:p
For someone who may have secondary PH, I guess

For someone who may have secondary PH, I guess

I don't find these too funny. Guess I don't have much of a sense of humor.

Christina L
She has a great sense of humor - something that can help get you get through. I sure loved the one about a woman on lasix - sure is true.:D :eek: :D
She's very talented and hits the nail right on the head!
Has she tried submitting them to any journals?
Christina L said:
I don't find these too funny. Guess I don't have much of a sense of humor.

Christina L
Christina when you've worn the cannula as long as I have, it's very funny and very right on! I especially liked the one of parking, then going into the store, then asking why did I park so far away when coming out. ;)
Sometimes, a good sense of humor is the only thing that gets you through. I think the cartoons are so right on because this woman is basically talking about herself and she HAS these problems.
I guess if it's you who has primary PH

I guess if it's you who has primary PH

and you want to laugh at the situation, that is fine. I am a woman who is threatened with this disease and right now as we go into an adoption of a child, it truly scares me the state of health I may be in in 5-10 years. I have not been diagnosed with PH, but am fearful of it.

Also, I have been on web sites about PRIMARY PH and there is a difference mind you - primary PH is very rare BUT it strikes mainly young women in the prime of their life (secondary is more treatable if the underlying cause is found and that is treated also but they still are very debilitating diseases and primary PH in young women is usually fatal). I feel so silly feeling sorry for myself IF I have secondary PH - because I am 46 years of age. I had a wonderful childhood and young adulthood free of health concerns. These are young women who are given a death sentence. I have read some posts by these women and can sense their anger and extreme sadness at the bad hand they have been dealt. I cannot imagine having to have worn oxygen 24/7 when I was 30 years of age. :(

That is what I see in these cartoons - I sense a very angry young woman who is laughing through her pain. It is just not funny to ME. It would be as if a person was drawing cartoons about battling inoperable cancer - just not something to laugh at (in my opinion).

Christina L
While I can understand your viewpoint, it has been my sense of humor that has gotten me through my illnesses. Without it, I would have been either dead or in an insane ward years ago.
That being said, everyone deals with illness in their own manner. This is just her way of dealing with her PH and it is probably what keeps her sane. This is merely her form of venting and is much more creative than hitting walls or throwing things across the room as I am sure many people do.
I think the timing of this thread is just a little off for you with your current situation and it hits a little too close to home. If you revisit it later in the year you might feel differently. At least, I hope that for you and I mean that in a positive manner. Smiling does make things feel better even for a little while.
Hi Gina and Nancy and Ross -

Hi Gina and Nancy and Ross -

I know this thread hits too close to home for me at this time. I truly believe that humor helps in the darkest of situations and this gal uses it to help herself and I'm sure it does help - what else can you do but laugh when you have an incurable disease?? :( My heart just aches for her - a young vivacious gal who is strapped to an oxygen machine and should be out there having a great time, enjoying her youth. Life just ain't fair.

However, I personally don't find the cartoons funny because I am not in the situation (yet) and don't want to be - I do know about the oxygen line getting tangled around my legs at night though. Ha. Also I do have some humor with my own situation - when I first started wearing the oxygen when Wayne and I were getting into bed one night and before Wayne turned off the lights, I said, "Wait a minute - I need to strap on my life support." We laughed pretty hard at that. I was laughing, but I was crying inside. Life is rough at times, sure is.

Christina L
Actually, the gal who drew the cartoons is a member of the PHA website, and they all love her cartoons and anxiously await any new ones she has drawn. She's been doing them for years.

But you are right, not everyone can find humor in such things. But for those who find laughter helpful in the face of difficult things, these are cleverly done. :)
"Don't fear tomorrow - God is already there."

Isn't that true! Great use of words! Will
She might be able to make some money off them if she submitted them to AARC Times or Respiratory Care, Nancy.

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