shes hitting her head saying ,stupid,stuoid, stupid

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Mom asks for sobriety test, then fails
March 24, 2005

ALBION, N.Y. -- When Diane Viza got into an argument with her son over whether she was sober, she drove to the local police station asked to take a sobriety test. That turned out to be a bad idea.

The 45-year-old woman was charged with driving while intoxicated after she showed up at the police station in the Orleans County village of Albion and asked officers to administer a breath test.

The unusual request came after she had picked up her son at a friend's house and got into an argument with him because he suspected she had been drinking.

Viza is due back in village court on April 12th.
:rolleyes: Takes all kinds. Wonder if she's related to our new recreational drug user?
Karlynn said:
:rolleyes: Takes all kinds. Wonder if she's related to our new recreational drug user?

As opposed to our old recreational drug user?

There was a case some time ago of a guy who bought some cocaine on the street, though he'd gotten burned on the deal, so he took the dope to the cop shop to see if it was really cocaine. It was, and he was then busted.

Very few people get arrested for being smart.

There are VERY few smart criminals, VERY few.

Maybe the smart ones are the ones that don't get caught, that we don't hear about.

The dumb ones, make my job interesting, as well as the jobs of police, fire, and ambulance services....

Oh yeah, and lawyers too.

And on that note, as I got into work this evening (I'm still "working" actually) there was a call for an accident just west of the city, someone struck a utility pole. I get there and the usual stuff is going on, then I happen to notice where the ambulance is parked.

In VERY soft, wet, grass/mud.

I rode along with these guys over the summer and fall. I've gottne to kow them pretty well and they're a good bunch so I was talking wiht a few about what had happened. One of them (he was working on the driver of the car and I didn't see him) was the driver of the ambulance. He misunderstood the flagman (fire police) who wanted him to park on the side of the road because there were live electrical wires in the roadway and in the grass. Ben, the paramedic and driver of the ambulance, parked on the soft grass instead, the ambulance service's new vehicle. Had to get towed out and they had to call in another ambulance and crew to transport the patient...

Needless to say, I took photos of that and emailed them to the guys at the ambulance service. :D

I was goign to wait for the wrecker that was coming to tow the ambulance out of the lawn but there was a second accident on the same stretch of road on the OTHER side of the city that got called out while we were talking so I ended up driving out to shoot that one as well.

It's a full moon tonight too. :rolleyes:
I sometimes watch a few minutes of evening court on the local access channel as I'm channel-surfing. It is unbelievable how lame some people can be in front of a judge.

I don't know how the judge keeps himself from sending some of them out to a firing squad, just on the notion that they will likely hurt someone else someday from sheer stupidity...

"I coudn't renew the registration on the car for the last seven months because I was looking for a job last year after my girlfriend left me." Huh? Could we plot that on a calendar to understand it better?

And they never have just one thing wrong. One runs into a parked police car drunk, has someone else's license, no insurance, can't come up with an address, and is uncertain of his own name, presenting the court with several hopeful aliases to choose from. Oh, how I want to share the roads with him!

"Did you take the item in question?"
"No, Your Honor."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, your honor."
"Then this picture of of someone leaving the store with that item is not you? You're not in that picture?"
"Can I see the picture?"
Looks at picture thoughtfully.
"Yeah, that's me."
"Then you did take the item out of the store?"
"Yes, your honor. But it was a mistake. I was gonna pay for it, but I didn't have my money with me."

How does that work again? You didn't have money, so you just took it; but that should be all right, because...?


"Oh, that, Your Honor. I thought you were talking about something else. Yeah, I had that when they stopped me."