Shelly's mother to have surgery on Thursday, May 8

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I want to wish you mom well as she undergoes replacement and bypass surgery on Thursday. I am confident that the surgery will be successful and she will have a routine recovery.
Please update us as soon as you are able.
God Bless and Godspeed!
My prayers will be with your Mom and your entire family. Godspeed!
Best wishes to your mum for a good surgery and speedy recovery.
Best wishes to your mom for a successful surgery and an uncomplicated recovery! Godspeed.
Counting down....

Counting down....

Thanks to all for the well wishes.. Just counting down the hours. Won't get much sleep tonight.. Again thanks for the prayers.
Good luck with your mother's surgery today. I pray everything will go smoothly.

All's well so far..

All's well so far..

Mom had her surgery this am and did fine, got off vent about 9:00p.m.. thanks for all the well wishes and much needed prayers... I'll keep u posted.
Shelley, so Happy to hear all went well!! I'll keep her in my prayers for a continous and speedy recovery!:)
hospital still

hospital still

hey all,

My mother's still on telemety unit after by-pass and AVR. Having trouble with A-fib and getting rid of fluid. Anybody else have this happen??? She is down and out wanting to go home and feels like she isn't doing well. Docs say things are fine and that some take longer than others to bounce back. She also has had some confusion. Anybody else experience this Thanks
Shelly, I will keep your mother in my prayers- confusion is often a side effect of the anethesia and meds- especially if they used any morphine. I hope she will soon be doing better and on her way home.
Shelly, a-fib and getting rid of fluid are two common post-op problems to get past before coming home. Being a tad confused is not unusual either. The patient has been through a lot. Different people bounce back at different rates. I am sending my prayers for your mother.
I was 66 when I had surgery almost 4 months ago. I did go into A-Fib and it is controlled by Sotalol which I will take for another 5 weeks and then he will try taking me off of it.

I had some confusion as well. One night I asked my husband why they had changed my room. They hadn't.

I think given time she will be OK
Home at last

Home at last

My mother finally got out of hospital after nearly 2 weeks. she had trouble getting rid of all the fluid, ended up drawing of 1400cc of fluid. She felt so much better. now for rehab... Any advice... Thanks so much for all the support and advice, it was such a help and comfort. Everyone here is such a blessing...I'll keep you posted..