Sharing good news about Vitamin D

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Miracle Believer
Supporting Member
Aug 7, 2008
Southern California

Guess what, everyone?

We all know Vitamin D is necessary to help better absorb Calcium, right?!

I have been complaining of fatigue and some SOBs since early January. My surgeon and cardio assured me my valves are crisp and my heart is fine when I saw them in March and assured me that my fatigue and SOBs were not related to my heart or new valvesl!

I started analyzing what I did different in Decembber...nothing made sense!

Early April, I shared my concerns with my GP. He was impressed with the way my heart and lungs sounded. He ordered complete blood work including Vitamin D Deficiency. I never have suspected I had a Vit D-deficiency... I walk in the sun for 15 minutes, I drink my milk, eat my yogurt, Salmon, etc.

The good news: my energy picked up after the first 400 IU of Vitamin D:)

So, if you feel more tired than the normal post-surgery fatigue, check your vitamin D level.

I hope this will help someone else besides me.
Hmmm, never heard of vitamin D causing fatigue, or fixing it that quickly, it's usually vitamin Bs that are blamed for fatigue, but good for you!

When you walk in the sun, do you wear a high SPF sunscreen? that could be blocking your skin's ability to absorb the sunshine to make your own . .. just a thought.
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I had a similar experience some months ago

I had a similar experience some months ago


My doc did a routine blood test on me and found that I am deficient in Vitamin D too. And, I live in Arizona and have arms, legs, and other body parts uncovered all year 'round.

I read , in a recent Ladies Home Journal, that they have been studying Vitamin D deficiences and have found a great number of them. If I can find the Journal article, I will post it.


And, please let me add....I do take Coumadin but I have not had heart surgery.


hi eva,
what timing! joey just found out that he is not only vitamin D deficient, but he has osteoporosis!!!! he is seeing his cardio in a month for his regular check up but has spoken with him about this.
joey has hypothyroidism and takes synthroid for that. my pharmacist told me that he often finds the two go hand in hand (vit. D deficiency and thyroid issues).
ironically, he's been very tired when waking up in the mornings and i actually mentioned that he should have his thyroid checked. this is how they found out about the vit. d deficiency, the bloodwork.
i was shocked when we found out, because joey worships the sun (although he does wear sunscreen when playing golf_ he takes amiodarone and this causes him to burn in the sun).
he also exercises regularly (runs, ellipticals, bikes, weights) and does weight bearing exercise (which they say prevents osteoporosis).
so now he's taking his vit. d in large doses and hoping this will all go away.
i've wondered if deficiencies can be caused by taking other meds.
in any case, feel better,
I have suffered from Vitamin D deficiency on/off for some years.

Periodically I have to go on 50,000IU Vitamin dry-form D3 (Cholecalciferol) - it's more effective than D2 (Ergocalciferol).

In a paper published by Drs. Cannell, Hollis, Zasloff & Heaney, bottom of page 4:

Vitamin D deficiency often presents with common, non-specific symptoms, such as muscular weakness - predominantly of the proximal limb muscles - a feeling of heaviness in the legs, chronic musculoskeletal pain, fatigue or easy tiring ......

We live in the PNW and getting enough vitamin D from the sun alone is pretty much unattainable.

The benefits of maintaining a good 25(OH)D level are set out here:

Peter was given the go to continue with his 1,000IU/day dry-form D3 at his first post-op.
Hmmm, never heard of vitamin D causing fatigue, or fixing it that quickly, it's usually vitamin Bs that are blamed for fatigue, but good for you!

When you walk in the sun, do you wear a high SPF sunscreen? that could be blocking your skin's ability to absorb the sunshine to make your own . .. just a thought.

I was surprised too for the quick fixing and I am keeping my fingers crossed that this was the cause of my far so good. I was so scared before of what was happening to me, but now I feel back to normal as I felt after the surgery.

You are right about the sunscreen...I do not wear high SPF sunscreen when I walk for the purpose of benefitting from vitamin K.

Keep your fingers crossed for me too!


My doc did a routine blood test on me and found that I am deficient in Vitamin D too. And, I live in Arizona and have arms, legs, and other body parts uncovered all year 'round.

I read , in a recent Ladies Home Journal, that they have been studying Vitamin D deficiences and have found a great number of them. If I can find the Journal article, I will post it.


And, please let me add....I do take Coumadin but I have not had heart surgery.



Blanche, it was a total surprise to me that I had this deficiency. I wish I used to check it before. Thanks for the website, I bookmarked it and will read later.

Good bless :)
hi eva,
what timing! joey just found out that he is not only vitamin D deficient, but he has osteoporosis!!!! he is seeing his cardio in a month for his regular check up but has spoken with him about this.
joey has hypothyroidism and takes synthroid for that. my pharmacist told me that he often finds the two go hand in hand (vit. D deficiency and thyroid issues).
ironically, he's been very tired when waking up in the mornings and i actually mentioned that he should have his thyroid checked. this is how they found out about the vit. d deficiency, the bloodwork.
i was shocked when we found out, because joey worships the sun (although he does wear sunscreen when playing golf_ he takes amiodarone and this causes him to burn in the sun).
he also exercises regularly (runs, ellipticals, bikes, weights) and does weight bearing exercise (which they say prevents osteoporosis).
so now he's taking his vit. d in large doses and hoping this will all go away.
i've wondered if deficiencies can be caused by taking other meds.
in any case, feel better,


Thank you for replying and sharing the information above...I, too, have a hypothyroid and take Synthroid. I only wish I knew this interaction before...none of the doctors told me; otherwise, I might have felt better even with my heart's deteriorating condition. I always used to tell the doctors that since my thyroid, my body changed completely...I changed even mentally in addition to physically...became more tired even when my TSH was within normal range. I wonder if I had D deficiency and if I did I would contribute it either to the Synthroid or the I-131 which I swallowed to get rid of my thyroid.

Too bad that not too many doctors anlyze the patient's symptoms...they always checked my B-12 and it was always fine.

Thanks again and wish Joey's body will react positively to taking 'D'.:)
I have suffered from Vitamin D deficiency on/off for some years.

Periodically I have to go on 50,000IU Vitamin dry-form D3 (Cholecalciferol) - it's more effective than D2 (Ergocalciferol).

In a paper published by Drs. Cannell, Hollis, Zasloff & Heaney, bottom of page 4:

We live in the PNW and getting enough vitamin D from the sun alone is pretty much unattainable.

The benefits of maintaining a good 25(OH)D level are set out here:

Peter was given the go to continue with his 1,000IU/day dry-form D3 at his first post-op.


Thanks for sharing. I should have realized I could have a deficiency since one of my older sisters has it!! she takes high doses too and I thought her doctor is crazy, but now I have peace of min since Peteris on high dose too. I find what you are saying interesting ... I bookmarked the webside and will read it later. Thanks again. The total I am taking is 800 IU and so far I am happy on it and I hope to continue so.

God bless.
Gee, I don't want to sound like a smart a**, but I've been on 1000UI of Vitamin D since surgery and I've been taking it daily ever since.

I'm assuming this was my surgeons doing.

Thanks for sharing. I should have realized I could have a deficiency since one of my older sisters has it!! she takes high doses too and I thought her doctor is crazy, but now I have peace of min since Peteris on high dose too. I find what you are saying interesting ... I bookmarked the webside and will read it later. Thanks again. The total I am taking is 800 IU and so far I am happy on it and I hope to continue so.

God bless.


The current RDA for Vitamin D is 200IU for 19-50yrs, 400IU for 51-70yrs and 600IU for 71yrs and over. But most experts now consider that too low.

Peter is 73 years. If he were to continue with the 600IU recommended, on the current data available, that amount would be sufficient only to maintain his 25(OH)D3 level at around 12.5nmol/L - a subnormal level and according to this report, it'd be consistent with osteomalacia:

In a nutshell, they state
Several groups have reached the same conclusion, namely that, without appreciable cutaneous synthesis, current cholecalciferol input recommendations are inadequate

Freddie - nice to hear your surgeon is on the ball although there is evidence that 2,000IU would be a more appropriate level for adults.
Just the post I needed today! Over the last few days I've been feeling more tired than usual, but also experiencing some SOB, which I haven't had since my PVR. I've not been overly concerned since I've also started working out on the gym and pushing myself more than I have in a looonnnngg time, so I figured it was just my body's way of saying "hey - whatchoo up to girlfriend?".

That said, I don't really spend too much time outdoors, so it probably wouldn't hurt to get my vit D levels checked. Glad to hear it had such a positive outcome for you Eva and hope I also have something this simple accounting for my fatigue.

A : )
Hi Everyone,
I was thinking the other day to start a thread on this. So thanks Eva for doing it for me.:) Last year the dr told me I had the starting of Osteoporsis and to take extra calcium will he really wanted me to go on meds but I refused. So I take a good calcium that is absording into the body and is for Osteoporsis along with vitamin D. and a joint vitamin call Replenex for my aching joints and bones and it is working great!
Then the last few months I have felt like CRAP so I went to the dr and he did blood test that showed I was an anemic. :eek: I was feeling fatigue, body aches,hot and cold, no energy, a little depressed and a few others things.
I looked it up on line to check it out and it described how I was feeling to a tee.
So Im taking a whole natural vitamin of Iron. Which in the last few weeks has helped alot.
I just don't want to take any more meds if I can help it. I'm already on enough. :(
After saying all of this I just wanted to tell you that make sure your vitamins that you are taking are good and is absorbing into your body. Most of the stuff at the store is junk. Make sure no chemicals and that they are soft or gels.
A good web site to check out for all natural is: and its all made in the USA

Hope you all start feeling better.

Crystal :)
Gee, I don't want to sound like a smart a**, but I've been on 1000UI of Vitamin D since surgery and I've been taking it daily ever since.

I'm assuming this was my surgeons doing.

Freddie, glad you listened to your surgeon's advice...that is smart to follow recommendations! keep it up!


The current RDA for Vitamin D is 200IU for 19-50yrs, 400IU for 51-70yrs and 600IU for 71yrs and over. But most experts now consider that too low.

Peter is 73 years. If he were to continue with the 600IU recommended, on the current data available, that amount would be sufficient only to maintain his 25(OH)D3 level at around 12.5nmol/L - a subnormal level and according to this report, it'd be consistent with osteomalacia:

Thanks, Corrine, for sharing more thoughts. So, my sister's doctor is not crazy...she is taking 1000 sister is 71 too. Thanks for this website.

Take care and stay healthy and keep sharing your thoughts. I appreciate it.

God bless.

Just the post I needed today! Over the last few days I've been feeling more tired than usual, but also experiencing some SOB, which I haven't had since my PVR. I've not been overly concerned since I've also started working out on the gym and pushing myself more than I have in a looonnnngg time, so I figured it was just my body's way of saying "hey - whatchoo up to girlfriend?".

That said, I don't really spend too much time outdoors, so it probably wouldn't hurt to get my vit D levels checked. Glad to hear it had such a positive outcome for you Eva and hope I also have something this simple accounting for my fatigue.
A : )

Try it, Anna, I felt better the next day!! I hope it will be the key to better your energy too...I am realy amazed and SOBs are gone! keep me posted.

Hi Everyone,
I was thinking the other day to start a thread on this. So thanks Eva for doing it for me.:) Last year the dr told me I had the starting of Osteoporsis and to take extra calcium will he really wanted me to go on meds but I refused. So I take a good calcium that is absording into the body and is for Osteoporsis along with vitamin D. and a joint vitamin call Replenex for my aching joints and bones and it is working great!
Then the last few months I have felt like CRAP so I went to the dr and he did blood test that showed I was an anemic. :eek: I was feeling fatigue, body aches,hot and cold, no energy, a little depressed and a few others things.
I looked it up on line to check it out and it described how I was feeling to a tee.
So Im taking a whole natural vitamin of Iron. Which in the last few weeks has helped alot.
I just don't want to take any more meds if I can help it. I'm already on enough. :(
After saying all of this I just wanted to tell you that make sure your vitamins that you are taking are good and is absorbing into your body. Most of the stuff at the store is junk. Make sure no chemicals and that they are soft or gels.
A good web site to check out for all natural is: and its all made in the USA

Hope you all start feeling better.

Crystal :)

Crystal, my doctor was suspecting me to be anemic or with iron/B 12 deficiency! But all lab tests were OK, except for Vit. D.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I agree, it is important to take the multi vitamin after such a surgery.

Good bless.
Wow, I am sooo pleased you have shared this information with us. Considering summer will probably fall on a ''THURSDAY'' this year over here, if sunshine is required to make VitD I guess my level (and most of us here in Ireland) must be -0. ** Going to buy some TODAY.

THANKS EVA for bring this up.
Wow, I am sooo pleased you have shared this information with us. Considering summer will probably fall on a ''THURSDAY'' this year over here, if sunshine is required to make VitD I guess my level (and most of us here in Ireland) must be -0. ** Going to buy some TODAY.

THANKS EVA for bring this up.

You are welcome, Jacqui, as for me this was like another miracle after surgery. I was doing so well after surgery and so happy, and then started declining. Most probably because of winter here and I did not go out as much between Dec. and March.

Good luck and let me know as I am curious hoping it will have the same effect on others too.
I just want to add please be careful when self medicating with vitamin D.
My vitamin D was extremely low and Dr. prescribed 50,000 IU's per week, ( by prescription). You can overdose on Vitamin D, which can cause serious complications, my Dr. had me take for 4 weeks and than bloodwork to make sure levels weren't going to high. I do have severe osteoporosis and still can't seem to get my numbers up.
But please be careful with the vitamin D.
I just want to add please be careful when self medicating with vitamin D.
My vitamin D was extremely low and Dr. prescribed 50,000 IU's per week, ( by prescription). You can overdose on Vitamin D, which can cause serious complications, my Dr. had me take for 4 weeks and than bloodwork to make sure levels weren't going to high. I do have severe osteoporosis and still can't seem to get my numbers up.
But please be careful with the vitamin D.

A good point, Lovejoy,

Thanks for mentioning this. I wonder why isn't your level improving ?! is there any medication hindering the results?!

Good luck.
I just want to add please be careful when self medicating with vitamin D.
My vitamin D was extremely low and Dr. prescribed 50,000 IU's per week, ( by prescription). You can overdose on Vitamin D, which can cause serious complications, my Dr. had me take for 4 weeks and than bloodwork to make sure levels weren't going to high. I do have severe osteoporosis and still can't seem to get my numbers up.
But please be careful with the vitamin D.

I had the same poor results with the D2 50,000IU's.

Typically, docs prescribe Vitamin D2 (calciferol). Most aren't even aware that D3 (cholecalciferol) is available in a 50,000IU dose.

I switched to the dry form D3 - two places I know stock is are and Vitalady is a little cheaper.

My level improved quickly on the dry form D3 and I now use a lower dose to maintain (from vitacost).

Peter's 25(OH)D levels improved when he switched to dry form D3 from the D2 gel caps. We didn't change the dosage.

This is good reading:
Thank you Eva for bringing this to my attention. I was tested last week and now I am on Vitamin D 50000 Units softgels, 1 a week. I have been so very tired for quite awhile, I hope this helps. I go back for a recheck test in 3 months. Thanks again!!!

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