'severe' tricuspid regurgitation, but no symptoms?

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2007
Victoria, Australia
My latest echo report had the rather alarming phrase 'severe tricuspid regurgitation'. But I have no symptoms. I actually feel better than ever, I have heaps of energy.

I have a pacemaker, and apparently one lead goes through the tricuspid valve and can cause regurgitation. Mild to moderate is no big deal and pretty common in this case.

Cardiologist thinks the person who did the report may have exaggerated the severity, may not be used to seeing a valve with a PM lead through it, and things might not be as bad as they seem. I know that my old cardiologist once told me that a report on my aortic valve used the term 'severe' but in his opinion it was not that bad. Anyway, current cardiologist is going to review my echo himself and see what is going on. I will find out in three and a half weeks...

So my question to you wise people, is what are the chances that I really have 'severe' TR when I feel perfectly fine?
I can't answer your question but wonder why it will take 3 1/2 weeks for your cardio to review and advise you about your echo. Surely he knows the stress you are suffering waiting to learn your valve's condition. Can he not get back to you sooner?

BEST Wishes. Hope you get a good report.
IN this situation , I being the agressive person I am, Would call them and tell them I do not want to be a jerk , But I will call you 5 times a day until you give me my answer, So please help me or get use to my calls or personal visits to your office, Really thats how I do It! good luck.
I had been thinking about phoning to put the hurry-ups on but didn't think it would get me anywhere. But with your prompting I will do it today.
I haven't had a TEE since before my last surgery. I guess depending on what is on the TTE films further investigation might be required.

I phoned today, the receptionist was going to call the Dr and see if things can happen sooner. He is only in my town Mondays and Fridays.
I got a lovely new angioplasty ring around my tricuspid when they did my AVR in August. With all the pacemaker/ICD leads running through it, and the possibility of a third ICD lead in my future, the tricuspid was leaking pretty badly. I gather some leakage is not unusual.
Still, any symptoms were indistinguishable from the aortic insufficiency symptoms before surgery, so I'm little help. But I was glad we could combine the surgeries!
I haven't had a TEE since before my last surgery. I guess depending on what is on the TTE films further investigation might be required.

I phoned today, the receptionist was going to call the Dr and see if things can happen sooner. He is only in my town Mondays and Fridays.

Even if they can't move the appt date up, couldn't he just call you after he goes over the tests, instead of making you wait until the appt?
Even if they can't move the appt date up, couldn't he just call you after he goes over the tests, instead of making you wait until the appt?

That's what I am hoping he will do.

Which reminds me, I need to get on the phone and make sure he is getting the report from my PM clinic visits.
I've been lurking around for a few years as my severe tricuspid and mitral valve regurg was being treated with drugs to see how or if it could be reduced before proceeding to surgery. My mitral regurg has reduced really well and is now only mild, however the tricuspid remains bad. I feel the same as I did when I started this process - SOB on hills, but otherwise energetic and normal. From my experience you don't have to feel bad to have a bad tricuspid valve!

But my waiting time is now up and I am facing surgery within a few weeks. Following two ablations and 100% pacing I am now much more symptomatic and my ejection fraction is going down significantly. The reason for the surgery delay was due to my having had two previous surgeries - every time gets harder, so the doctors were trying to postpone as long as possible as a fourth will be absolutely necessary.

I encourage you to keep on top of your test results and don't be afraid of giving the drugs a chance. I also have been attending a cardiac rehab class to get in the best shape possible and to monitor my progress. I have only lasted a couple of years, but it all makes a difference in the end.

Good luck to you with it all.
hi, I had mild tricuspid regurgetation & enlarged right atrium as a result of endocarditis. After 8 years it went to severe tricuspid regurgetation, my body felt like lead, very tired, physically depressed, breathless etc, I was 29 at the time. Went on to have a tricuspid valve replacement with tissue valve....was great afterwards......Lee
Hi everyone!
Latest news on follow-up is that the PM lead looks to be sort of 'looped' and hence blocking the tricuspid valve. A TOE is definitely in my future and I am hoping that the problem can be resolved without anything too invasive. I will be due a new PM soon, so I would imagine they would do everything at once. I am symptomatic now, with reduced exercise tolerance.
I'm sorry you're having symptoms. I hope when they replace the pacer they replace or jiggle the leads, too, and get that leakage fixed. Otherwise you'll probably get a ring job, too.
We've both had enough surgeries already!