September 11th boycott, spread the word!

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Let's make a dent in the profits of these monsters: OPEC & the big 3 this 9/11.

If you use a gasoline car, use it 'somewhat less' (walk a little more?) and if you use diesel fuel, dump at least 'an ounce' of vegetable cooking oil in your tank (to REPLACE an ounce of SOOT-anic OPEC/big 3 junk).

There are numerous individuals running 100% veggie oil (FREE from your local restaurant).

See: and


We're preparing a news release for the and others.

Please critique our intended release (and check for typos) --AND SPREAD THE WORD.

A 'one millionth of one percent' reduction in fuel use IS A START!

Next year it'll be a FULL ONE percent if we 'get it together.'

Any other suggestions for 911?

THX & God Bless y'all; and God Bless America.

News release at: CaesarTrucking.US
Hey there, LA. Nice to see you. So many of us remember when you were ready to chuck it all and leave town forever. Now, here you are, back to driving and putting in your two (or more) cents to make a stand for your beliefs! What a comeback. Good for you. You are representing a bunch of folks that most don't hear much about - the truckers. I am proud of you.

Thanks for stopping by so we can know you are doing so well. Ann
I don't get it

I don't get it

Would someone please explain to me how not buying gasoline from your local businessperson for one day could possibly send a message to OPEC?
Why not the whole month of september? How about trying to change our own habits for a whole month to prove to leaders that we are serious about change? And can we do it in a way that won't affect the people at the local gas stations who are working as hard as we are trying to make a living?

How about spending the day in loud support of those politicians who have vowed to support environmental causes, who encourage research into the vegetable oil alternative, etc. and who honestly care about the future of our planet. How about spending the day working hard to get the people out of office who are pawns of the Oil industry.

Hi Angel!

Of course I'm up and running. Hope you're doing GREAT!

Marg53, GREAT comments/input!

I didn't mean 'don't fuel' your car on 9/11. Many are suggesting to boycott on tuesdays (and others on other days). It doesn't make sense, in the end you'd still be using the same amount of gas!

Ethanol (made with 'home-grown' corn) is added to gasoline in many states and you have a choice of purchasing this instead of 'straight' gasoline.

This is my point: buy more home-brew and give our farmers the profits.

RE: "not buying gasoline from your local businessperson for one day"

Would it bother you if cigarette vendors lost profits due to a boycott?

Gasoline vendors have a choice as much as the American consumer has agendas.

Do gasoline vendors 'go out of their way' for us? Theyre in it for profits not for our benefits.

RE: "change our own habits for a whole month"

How about FOREVER 'from now on?'

We're slaughtering our young soldiers (and slaughtering others who get in our way) to protect 'our' foreign oil reserves.

All because of our constituant's wastefull ways.

Overall I LOVED your reply Marg53, God Bless!

& God Bless all the pumpheads on this board!

God Bless America!
I won't reprint the whole thing, but if you want it I'll send it to you in a private message, along with the photo...

Green Machine
Fredonia native on tour promoting alternative fuels

A two-person puppet troupe made a brief stop to visit family in Fredonia Monday and Tuesday before continuing on their tour promoting the use of alternative fuels.
The "Big Tadoo Puppet Crew," which originated in California, has been a traveling show since 2002, stopping at festivals, farmers markets and street theaters as they trek across the United States. Emily B, formerly of Fredonia, and Jonathan Youtt currently make up "the crew."
Part of their effort to promote the use of more environmentally friendly fuels is a 1983 Ford Econoline shuttle bus with a diesel engine that has been modified to run primarily on vegetable oil, a modification that only cost them about $250 for materials and may may have saved thousands of dollars.
"Our favorite restaurants are Japanese or Chinese." said Emily B, but not for their style of cuisine.
"We made a small conversion to add a second gas tank so that we could run grease, recycled vegetable cooking oil." Youtt added, "the only adjustment that we made was heating that tank so that the oil is warmed before it reaches the engine."
"Any diesel engine can run on this cooking oil," Youtt said. "Soy bean oil, corn oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, peanut oil. It's a little known fact that Rudolf Diesel made his engine to run on peanut oil."....

Ok, now you know my name and that I live in Fredonia, oh and I guess the newpaper for which I work.

Oh well... I guess it's OK because I have absolutely no money for you to steal from me. :rolleyes:

I took the photo too.
GREAT story Harpoon, THX!

Veggie oil 'in our fuel tanks' seems to be the most feasible/cost-effective alternative fuel to fight high fuel prices.

Bio-diesel is higher then SOOT-anic diesel. The only advantage is that the money stays 'at home' (which that in itself IS GREAT!).

Guess what you can also dump in your veggie oil fuel tank?

Your waste transmission and motor oil!
By not buying gasoline on 9/11 the only message you're going to send is a slight dip in gasoline sales on 9/11 because a bunch of people got together to try and send a message.

It's a nice thought, but OPEC couldn't care less because they know we're still using WAAAAYYYY too much gasoline all the time and there's no real interest in altering our ways on a national level.

Now if you could get EVERYONE in the United States to agree to trade in their cars for bicycles that MIGHT get someone's attention, but how many American auto workers are you going to lay off in the process of trying to send a message to OPEC?

Granted, not as many cars are made in the US now as there used to be, but still.

Inact change for yourself, not to send some message to someone else. You can run any diesel engine on food oils, peanut, olive, canola, corn, soy, whatever... You may need to make a few modifications to do it as the folks in the article I wrote did, but it can be done.

You're going to have to work on finding restaurants that will be willing to give you their used cooking oils or find a source like a co-op distributor. Some gasoline stations in the western US now offer such fuels at the pump for a fee.

If you do a lot of commuter driving and can work with one or two restaurants on a regular bases then you're good to go. If you plan on making cross country road trips, you better be a real smooth talker....

I'm all for "going green" where ever possible. I really wish I could do it more with a lot of aspects of my life. I've got an inventive, creative mind and there's all kinds of things I'd like to try like solar power for electricity or heating water. Sisterns for watering gardens, greenhouses for growing my own produce...

However, most of this just sin't practical for me right now. I don't have the money to buy a diesel engine car, I don't have the time to modify it or the money to have someone else do it for me. I don't have the time to refine the cooking oil I'd pick up from a restaurant to use to power the engine and I need to know I can start my car without effort in the dead of winter, most food oils "gel up" when cold which would require some method of heating the oil before attempting to start the car or at least run it on "veggie" oil.

Oh, and up, don't you dare get my started on animal testing and PETA....

The guys I talked to were "PETA people" and they were quite facinated when I told them what that "clicking noise" was while we were sitting down for an interview...

Nevermind that what I have inside of my chest wouldn't have been possible without killing a number of dogs, monkeys, and various other forms of "innocent" wildlife in the name of medical and scientific research...

Do what you can for yourself. Be mindful of the environment and what effect your choices have on it. Be respectful, but don't try to change the world all at once.

Without sounding TOO preachy here....

Mahatma Gandhi said, "We must be the change we wish to see."

'Nuff said.
Fascinating! I had no idea you could run a diesel engine on veggie oil. I may talk to our mechanic about my Mother's old Mercedes Diesel and see if we can work this out!

Is there any chance other engines can run on veggie oil also?

Only diesels, home heating furnaces and jets can run (fly?) on veggie oil.

It is recommended to first install an oil (veggie oil) heating system conversion kit though there are some claiming that they're running bra-less, -I meant 'conversion-less,' in California & Florida, -with 100% veggie oil!

Check out the forums at: and for others suggestions etc. You'll find out how 'our big 3' oil conglomerates betrayed us and how many individuals are dying yearly because they never bothered to 'clean' their junky 'brew." European diesel oil is about 300% CLEANER then the JUNK produced here!

I'm glad I 'sold' you (spread z word!) on this alternative fuel. It'll keep our money home and not in terrorists hands.

Veggie oil is also 75% cleaner, GOOD for the environment!

My goal is to 'spread the word' to ONE MILLION individuals.

There are THOUSANDS of other reasons for not buying that foreign 'bulk' JUNK, (-not including CLEAN REFINED diesel fuel from europe, the big 3 won't let us IMPORT that GOOD STUFF!) you'll start discovering them one-at-a-time!

I first heard about running diesel engines using veggie oil on AG Day It's an agricultural show that is produced out of Chicago and runs on our NBC affiliate early Saturday mornings.
I believe the fellow they showcased collecting oil was getting a large portion from bakeries, so the oil smelled like bakery items (always a Good Thing!)
Harpoon said:
. I'm all for "going green" where ever possible. I really wish I could do it more with a lot of aspects of my life. I've got an inventive, creative mind and there's all kinds of things I'd like to try like solar power for electricity or heating water. Sisterns for watering gardens, greenhouses for growing my own produce....

My mother was born in Key West in 1909. The only water they had was collected in cisterns and every house had a solar system on top of it - for hot water. They had little hand pumps at their sinks to bring water in from the cistern. Or they went out and used a bucket to bring it into the house. A few houses in Miami, where I grew up, had solar roof top heaters. Then they literally disappeared, but you are seeing them everywhere these days. I am all for that sort of saving, too.

If we can use veggie oil in diesels, then there's got to be a cheaper way of using American things for regular cars - we waste so much in our country. My mother taught me to use everything and not throw it away if there's any possibility that there is a use for it. We just don't take time to figure out these uses, tho. We are a throwaway population.

LA, I commend you and those truckers who are participating in this endeavor. The main point of much of these protests is to get a point across, whether we actually change something by the action or not. Drive on, with french fry oil, my friend.

Harpoon, I will not knock on your door this week. Promise.
Filthy Diesel's

Filthy Diesel's

I drive one of these "filthy Diesel's" you speak of. In case you folks out there are not aware......The Diesel's of late are extremal cleaner burning than the ones LA is speaking of from years past. Years ago, if you started your diesel pick-up inside your garage, you would have black "soot" everywhere. That is simply not the case anymore.

In fact, if you actually believe that you can stop at the local bakery or Chinese restaurant and fill your diesel tank up with plain used grease for a measly $250.00 conversion are sorely mistaken.

If it were so easy to make such a conversion....everyone would do it. The afford-ability of $35K diesel truck would be easy for almost anyone. Imagine, no fuel costs.

You see in my business we deal with customers that will pay very well to have us come to their eateries with a vacuum truck and suck the old grease up and haul it away to yet another place they have to pay for disposal. That would be a no brainer for the owners to give it away....don't you think?

Being a sweet talker would not be six year old would be able to walk in and say "Hey can I put 40 gallons of your used grease into my daddy's truck?" The restaurant owners would jump at that opportunity to get rid of it for free!!

In reality, the best way to increase the economy of a deisel...with or without soy based fuels, is to add a propane injection system. A measly $1,800.00 for that. You see, no matter what fuel you burn in any diesel, the engine will only burn approximately 75% of the injected fuel. (That is until you add the propane) The propane will increase the ignition and not only give you even cleaner burning, it will boost your torque and horsepower substantially.

Enough babbling for me. I am very sensitive when you say "we are slaughtering our young for no reason" I believe that is BS. If another Country came in and stopped our daughters from being raped in rape rooms and stopped the mass killings of our people......I would hope America would be grateful. As the majority of the Iraqi's are!

Enough from me.

God Bless our troops and God Bless America.

While I'm not "backing" LA cruiser in any way (at least not intentionally) I will say that I think there' something to be said for running engines on cleaner fuels such as food oils...

I suspect that the reason you aren't "seeing more people do it" is because for most of us, converting a diesel engine to run on veggie oil is an effort that, at least in a short term outlook, is more than it's worth.

Yes, it might be more environmentally friendly. Yes, it might even be cheaper in the long run, however, most of us as a society aren't willing to put forth the upfront costs of converting an engine (or replacing our unleaded cars with diesel) and then taking the time to seek out sources of fuel to run our cars when gas stations can be two or three every other mile in even small cities...

It takes a commitment that most of us just don't seem to be willing to make.

Not that runing on veggie oil would be "inconvienient" or "impractical" as much as it would be a change most of us aren't willing to work through.

The prices of the "conversion kit" vary among producers and many of the veggie oil vehicles I've come across are "homemade," that is, their owners have rigged it themselves, spending very little (if anything) on materials and labor to do the job.

It really does depend on the amount of effort you want to put into it. if this is a passion and you have the technical knowhow and a little savviness then you could probably do very well to rig up a diesel powered car to run on some alternative fuel. However, if you're not even sure how to program the clock on your VCR, driving around on peanut oil might not be the thing for you.

In saying all this though, I really do think that at some point, probably another 15-20 years or more down the road, cars running on such alternative fuels will be more common, as will those fuels and systems for refueling other than sweet talking restaurant owners...
While I also commend LA and what he is doing for the other truckers, I believe the reality of this all is, we can't just go without gas. I drive for a living, WAY over 150 miles a run, and I do it in my own car. I mean even though gas is expensive, I am not worried about the environment when it comes to driving my car around. I would love to buy one of those VW's or BMW's or mercedes that have deisel engines in them. You know the old ones that are really loud but get like a million miles to the gallon? But I can't right now. We drive what suits our lifestyle, and our needs. That's my take on this subject.
I forgot to add that our local gasoline venders aren't making a profit either, I have talked to many station owners and they only make like 2 cents per gallon. The price of a barrel of oil is extremely high. Don't blame them for the high prices.
Granted, this is not for everybody.

In my opinion its only for 'fanatics' that might account for about 2 percent of the population.

When I first read the newspaper article I said WOW this is great!

I did the mathematics and decided that it wasn't worth it.

Do you know the story where this guy finds 'a penny'......but then again that's the subject for page 2.

Then I kept reading the news about the ongoing......

To make a long story short it's about politics and religion in my case (WWJD?).

God Bless all pumpheads (-well, I gues non-pumheads too!)
Hey LA - I believe that whenever anyone does something in the name of patriotism, it's a good thing - All of us need to have a project of some sort to express our patriotism during these troubling times.

Hey Ben - nice to see you.

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