Sense of Security Months After our Surgeries......

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2005
I have an echo scheduled soon and I am finding myself very anxious and uneasy. I have no reason to think there is any problem as all seems to be fine but it occurs to me, I've lost the security of my fine surgeon. I'm about 18 months post op yet not feeling secure lately.

He took such good care of me through two OHS in four years and I came to respect, trust and admire him so much. He passed away this last Christmas Day after a very fast cancer. He helped so very many people but no one could help him.

Knowing he is no longer with us has really hit me and I'm so uneasy having this echo for fear I could need my wonderful surgeon but....

Has anyone else here had a similar feeling? Anyone understand my struggle?

Of course, I know I have to get through it and have the echo but I do so with trepidation.

Yes, I know there are other fine surgeons at Mass General but they're not My surgeon.
I’m with you there in a different way – I go back to my family doctor next week – did I say back well my NEW :eek: family dr. After 20+ years and the one who sent me off to the cardio in the first place because she heard something wrong (no other symptoms) has stopped practicing. I am not looking forward to it, we had developed a relationship. It is only adding to my emotional roller coaster right now. We have been through a lot we can get through this. ;)
Yeap. McCarthy is my hero and he's no longer in Cleveland, but Chicago. No way for me to make it there. I'm anxious every year when echo time comes. I think we all are.
I understand your is difficult to lose a friend you trust; so it is harder to lose a surgeon whom you will need again one day and you have faith in his hands. You could also be grieving simply his passing away now. I was much affected when one of my doctors died! When I moved to the south bay area and stopped seeing my cardiologist in that area, I felt sick at heart that I had to find a closer doctor...I did not see it was feasible to drive one hour and a half each way to see him especially I did not have the energy then.

I am sure once you start shopping for surgeons and meet with them; once you find one you like or feel at ease with, you shall feel better; and I hope so as it is difficult to stay in your situation now.

Good luck and prayers.
My echo will be in the next few weeks; I guess we all get a bit jittery waiting for it and the subsequent report.
(I did prefer my previous technician in Quebec who has now retired.)
I must admit, I actually look forward to my echo now - I just need to be told everything is OK, come back in a year . . and that makes me happy.

Jkm7, could this be a toush of depression creeping in? just a thought

I am in the process of losing my family doctor. I can't find a new one in my new town unless I don't have a family doctor, and my family is a true family doc. I started with him in 1985, when we were both a lot younger than we are now. He was not long out of school etc., and went into practice with my parents' doctor. When their doctor retired, he took over the practice entirely, and so now my parents have been going to him, too, for about 15, maybe 20 years.
We've all had the experience of the echo that changed our lives, even though we've had many variations of the before and after. So some anxiety seems normal.

I like the illusion of being a continuous medical story, and a large part of that is seeing the same doctors. You are mourning the loss of someone who's been very important to you.

I hope your upcoming echo puts you at ease.
Thanks, everyone. Your messages help. Hopefully, it'll be a good report and I'll put all this behind me soon. :) ....until the next time. :rolleyes:
I was nervous about my echo too. I have it in my mind that my surgeon may be retired if I ever need to go back. But I know my cardio will refer me to another good one...Do you go through the heart center? My echo was at 11 and the Dr. visit at 2:30 I called to see if I could get in earlier so I didn't have to be there all day and the receptionist had me come see her when the echo was done and got me in. That was so nice. I had a tech named Malcom and I watched the whole thing, some with 3D glasses on..Try to relax and enjoy the show. Compared to my first black & white echo the new ones are amazing.

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